Économie et finance


Cahiers du GERAD

187 résultats — page 3 de 10

Le Dixième atelier de résolution de problèmes industriels de Montréal, qui eut lieu du 13 au 27 août 2020, fut organisé conjointement par le Centre de recher...

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We propose a tone-based event study to reveal the aggregate abnormal tone dynamics in media articles around earnings announcements. We test whether they co...

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Optimal stopping is the problem of deciding the right time at which to take a particular action in a stochastic system, in order to maximize an expected rewa...

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Robotic process automation (RPA) is used in various fields of human activity in order to implement faster and more secure processes through a reduction in th...

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We empirically test the prediction of Pastor, stambaugh, and Taylor (2020) that green firms outperform brown firms when concerns about climate change increas...

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Nous étudions un jeu séquentiel à deux étapes dans un duopole de produits substituables en considérant que les firmes peuvent poursuivre un double objectif...

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Le Neuvième atelier de résolution de problèmes industriels de Montréal, qui eut lieu du 19 au 23 août 2019, fut organisé conjointement par le CRM et l'Instit...

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In this paper, we consider the problem of equal risk pricing and hedging in which the fair price of an option is the price that exposes both sides of the con...

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Utility-based shortfall risk measure (SR) effectively captures decision maker’s risk attitude on tail losses by an increasing convex loss function. In this ...

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We introduce a novel ensemble learning approach which combines random partitions models through Potts clustering with a non-parametric predictor such as sha...

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In this paper we consider a differentiated oligopoly with two product varieties that are supplied by two groups of firms. We assume that firms can change t...

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We analyze a differential game with spatially distributed controls to study a multiregional transboundary pollution problem. The dynamics of the state variab...

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Very large networks linking dynamical agents are now ubiquitous and the need to analyse, design and control them is evident. The emergence of the graphon the...

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In this study, we develop a deterministic nonlinear filtering algorithm based on a high-dimensional version of Kitagawa (1987) to evaluate the likelihood fun...

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Les organismes caritatifs jouent un rôle important dans la production de biens et services. L'objectif de cet article est de déterminer la politique optimale...

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We analyze an endogenous growth model with non-constant discounting and a negative externality of growth on utility. With a decreasing rate of impatience, ...

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Drawing on statistical learning theory, we derive out-of-sample and optimality guarantees about the investment strategy obtained from a regularized portfoli...

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We consider several time series and for each of them, we fit an appropriate dynamic parametric model. This produces serially independent error terms for each...

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For nearest neighbor univariate random walks in a periodic environment, where the probability of moving depends on a periodic function, we show how to estim...

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Given \(n\) points, a symmetric dissimilarity matrix \(D\) of dimensions \(n\times n\) and an integer \(p\geq 2\), the \(p\)-dispersion problem (pD...

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