Publications du GERAD

Le fruit de notre travail

Les Cahiers du GERAD

Collection de rapports techniques et de documents de travail, témoins de la vigueur et de la productivité de notre groupe.

Publications scientifiques

Répertoire de toutes les catégories de publications scientifiques de nos membres au fil des ans.

Bulletins du GERAD

Revue semestrielle de vulgarisation scientifique de la recherche effectuée par nos membre et résumé récent de nos activités.

Cahiers les plus récents

Voir tous les Cahiers
G-2024-40 A scalable architecture for future regenerative satellite payloads
, , , , , et

This paper addresses the limitations of current satellite payload architectures, which are predominantly hardware-driven and lack the flexibility to adapt to...

G-2024-38 An efficient decomposition matheuristic for the transient stability constrained unit commitment at Hydro-Quebec
, , , , , et

This paper tackles a complex variant of the unit commitment (UC) problem at Hydro-Quebec, referred to as the transient stability constrained unit commitmen...

G-2024-37 \(\texttt{solar}\): A solar thermal power plant simulator for blackbox optimization benchmarking
, , , , , , et

This work introduces solar, a collection of ten optimization problem instances for benchmarking blackbox optimization solvers. The instances present differ...

G-2024-36 Branch-and-Price
, , et

Integer (linear) programs are a standard way of formalizing a vast array of optimization problems in industry, services, management, science, and technology....

G-2024-35 International environmental agreements in the presence of adaptation and self-image

L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser la conséquence de l’utilisation de stratégies d’adapta-tion sur les accords internationaux pour la protection de l’e...

Publications scientifiques récentes

Voir toutes les publications


Vehicle routing with stochastic demand, service and waiting times — The case of food bank collection problems
, , et


Thirty years of academic finance
, et

We study how the financial literature has evolved inscale, research team composition, and article topicalityacross finance-focused academic journals from 199...


Gaining insight into crew rostering instances through ML-based sequential assignment
, , et

Crew scheduling is typically performed in two stages. First, solving the crew pairing problem generates sequences of flights called pairings. Then, the pair...


Tilted inequalities and facets of the set covering polytope: a theoretical analysis
, et

Given a ground-set of elements and a family of subsets, the set covering problem consists in choosing a minimum number of elements such that each subset cont...