Infrastructures intelligentes (télécommunications, transport public, villes intelligentes)
déc. 2024
El Mehdi Er Raqabi, Yong Wu, Issmail El Hallaoui et François Soumis
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 192, No article: 103819, 2024
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oct. 2024
OCP optimizes its supply chain for Africa
El Mehdi Er Raqabi, Ahmed Beljadid, Mohammed Ali Bennouna, Rania Bennouna, Latifa Boussaadi, Nizar El Hachemi, Issmail El Hallaoui, Michel Fender, Anouar Jamali, Nabil Si Hammou et François Soumis
À paraître dans : INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 2024
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sept. 2024
Léa Ricard, Guy Desaulniers, Andrea Lodi et Louis-Martin Rousseau
Omega, 127, No article: 103100, 2024
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juin 2024
Alain Hertz
RAIRO - Operations Research, 58(3), 2631–2636, 2024
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mai 2024
Marilène Cherkesly, Claudio Contardo et Matthieu Gruson
À paraître dans : INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2024
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mai 2024
Caroline Rocha, Bruno Jefferson de Sousa Pessoa, Daniel Aloise et Lucídio dos Anjos Formiga Cabral
International Transactions in Operational Research, 31(3), 1720–1735, 2024
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mars 2024
François-Xavier Devailly, Denis Larocque et Laurent Charlin
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 5, 238–250, 2024
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déc. 2023
Shuang Gao, Peter E. Caines et Minyi Huang
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(12), 7482–7497, 2023
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déc. 2023
Mohamad Aziz, Hanane Dagdougui et Issmail El Hallaoui
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8, 25–30, 2023
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jan. 2023
oct. 2022
Low-power deployment of many-process applications on multiple clouds
Babneet Singh, Ravneet Kaur, Murray Woodside et John W. Chinneck
À paraître dans : Journal of Cloud Computing, 2022
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août 2022
Leandro R. Costa, Daniel Aloise, Luca G. Gianoli et Andrea Lodi
Journal of Heuristics, 28, 539–582, 2022
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mai 2022
Sonia Cafieri, Pierre Hansen et Frédéric Messine
Journal of Global Optimization, 83, 163–185, 2022
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avr. 2022
Justin Cano, Gaël Pagès, Éric Chaumette et Jérôme Le Ny
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(2), 2431–2438, 2022
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mars 2022
Claudio Contardo et Jorge A. Sefair
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(2), 890–908, 2022
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nov. 2021
Massiva Roudjane, Djamal Rebaïne, Raphael Khoury et Sylvain Hallé
Information Systems, 101, No article: 101446, 2021
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sept. 2021
juil. 2021
Yichuan Daniel Ding, Thomas McCormick et Mahesh Nagarajan
Operations Research, 69(4), 1256–1281, 2021
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juin 2021
Safae Er-Rbib, Guy Desaulniers, Issmail El Hallaoui et Patrick Munroe
Public Transport, 13(2), 251–286, 2021
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juin 2021
juin 2021
Philippe Olivier, Andrea Lodi et Gilles Pesant
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 33(3), 949–962, 2021
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avr. 2021
Safae Er-Rbib, Abderrahman Bani, Guy Desaulniers et Issmail El Hallaoui
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72(4), 764–779, 2021
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avr. 2021
Seyed Ahmad Mojallal et Pierre Hansen
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 293, 50–58, 2021
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avr. 2021
Mohamed Ossama Hassan, Antoine Saucier, S. Yacout et François Soumis
Computers & Operations Research, 128, No article: 105174, 2021
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mars 2021
jan. 2021
Jack Brimberg, Andrea Maier et Anita Schöbel
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72(1), 200–216, 2021
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déc. 2020
Maha Gmira, Michel Gendreau, Andrea Lodi et Jean-Yves Potvin
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 9(4), page 100006, 2020
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oct. 2020
Shuang Gao et Peter E. Caines
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(10), 4090–4105, 2020
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août 2020
Dena Firoozi, Sebastian Jaimungal et Peter E. Caines
Systems & Control Letters, 142, 104734, 2020
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juil. 2020
Borna Sayedana et Aditya Mahajan
IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, 9(7), 1070–1074, 2020
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juil. 2020
Jack Brimberg, Nenad Mladenović, Raca Todosijević et Dragan Urosević
Optimization Letters, 14(5), 1107–1126, 2020
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mai 2020
Jhelum Chakravorty et Aditya Mahajan
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(5), 2016–2031, 2020
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avr. 2020
Fereshteh Fakhar Firouzeh, John W. Chinneck et Sreeraman Rajan
IEEE Access, 8, 82539–82550, 2020
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mars 2020
Imène Benkalai, Djamal Rebaïne et Pierre Baptiste
RAIRO Operations Research, 54(2), 555–568, 2020
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mars 2020
Teodora Dan, Andrea Lodi et Patrice Marcotte
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 8, 61–84, 2020
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déc. 2019
Marc-Antoine Coindreau, O. Gallay et Nicolas Zufferey
European Journal of Operational Research, 279(3), 996–1010, 2019
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nov. 2019
Kinkar Chandra Das, Mustapha Aouchiche et Pierre Hansen
Linear and Multilinear Algebra , 67(11), 2307–2324, 2019
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sept. 2019
Carlos Zetina, Ivan Contreras et Jean-François Cordeau
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 127, 1–19, 2019
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juil. 2019
Senay Solak, Armagan Bayram, Mehmet Gumus et Yueran Zhuo
Operations Research, 67(4), 905–1208, 2019
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juin 2019
Thi-Minh Nguyen, André Girard, Catherine Rosenberg et Serge Fdida
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 27(3), 1192–1205, 2019
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mai 2019
Elisabeth Lübbecke, Marco Lübbecke et Rolf H. Möhring
Operations Research, 67(3), 791–812, 2019
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avr. 2019
Jean Respen, Nicolas Zufferey et Jean-Yves Potvin
RAIRO-Operations Research, 53(2), 401–414, 2019
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mars 2019
nov. 2018
Jhelum Chakravorty et Aditya Mahajan
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(11), 3858–3864, 2018
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oct. 2018
Hichem Klabi, Sehl Mellouli et Monia Rekik
Government Information Quarterly, 35(4), 43–53, 2018
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août 2018
M Danilo Abrignani, Lorenza Giupponi, Andrea Lodi et Roberto Verdone
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2018(193), 1–21, 2018
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juil. 2018
Kinkar Chandra Das, Mustapha Aouchiche et Pierre Hansen
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 243, 172–185, 2018
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mai 2018
Simon Li, Ashish Khisti et Aditya Mahajan
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 64(5), 3679–3695, 2018
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mai 2018
Mustapha Aouchiche et Pierre Hansen
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 325, 309–321, 2018
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mars 2018
Claudio Gambella, Andrea Lodi et Daniele Vigo
Transportation Science, 52(2), 320–330, 2018
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jan. 2018
Scheduling problems from workshop to collaborative mobile computing: A state of the art
Ghassan Fadlallah, Djamal Rebaïne et Hamid Mcheick
Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 16(1), 47–69, 2018
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déc. 2017
Furkan Enderer, Claudio Contardo et Ivan Contreras
Computers & Operations Research, 88, 30–43, 2017
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déc. 2017
Mustapha Aouchiche et Pierre Hansen
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 232, 207–212, 2017
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oct. 2017
From a highway risk monitoring process to an intelligent system for highway safety calibration for autonomous vehicles
Ilham Benyahia, Giancarlo Colmenares et François Bellavance
Routes et transport, 46(2), 52–57, 2017
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sept. 2017
Ali Pakniyat et Peter E. Caines
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(9), 4347–4362, 2017
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août 2017
Ali Pakniyat et Peter E. Caines
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 25, 263–282, 2017
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août 2017
Antoine Saucier, Wissem Maazoun et François Soumis
Aerospace Science and Technology, 67, 327–342, 2017
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juil. 2017
juin 2017
Anders Nordby Gullhav, Jean-François Cordeau, Lars Magnus Hvattum et Bjørn Nygreen
European Journal of Operational Research, 259(3), 829–846, 2017
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juin 2017
Romain Montagné, Alain Hertz et François Gagnon
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 76, 60–70, 2017
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juin 2017
Mustapha Aouchiche et Pierre Hansen
Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, 5(2), 335–346, 2017
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mai 2017
mai 2017
Fausto Errico, Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Federico Malucelli et Maddalena Nonato
Transportation Science, 51(2), 706–722, 2017
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avr. 2017
Jim Li, Murray Woodside, John W. Chinneck et Marin Litiou
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 5(2), 277–290, 2017
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avr. 2017
Souhir Elleuch, Pierre Hansen, Bassem Jarboui et Nenad Mladenović
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 58, 191–198, 2017
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fév. 2017
Supriyo Ghosh, Pradeep Varakantham, Yossiri Adulyasak et Patrick Jaillet
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 58, 387–430, 2017
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nov. 2016
Aizaz U. Chaudhry, Roshdy H.M. Hafez et John W. Chinneck
Ad Hoc Networks, 51, 21–35, 2016
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nov. 2016
Abdalla Elshaikh, Said Salhi, Jack Brimberg, Nenad Mladenović, Becky Callaghan et Gabor Nagy
Computers & Operations Research, 75, 1–11, 2016
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sept. 2016
Silvia Boiardi, Antonio Capone, André Girard et Brunilde Sansò
NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, 17(2), 95–120, 2016
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juil. 2016
Vers une gestion plus intelligente des opérations
Adnène Hajji, Sehl Mellouli et Monia Rekik
Transport Magazine, page 53, 2016
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juin 2016
Aizaz U. Chaudhry, John W. Chinneck et Roshdy H.M. Hafez
European Journal of Operational Research, 251(3), 771–782, 2016
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avr. 2016
Andrea Lodi, Enrico Malaguti, Nicolás Stier-Moses et Tommaso Bonino
Management Science, 62(4), 1165–1187, 2016
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nov. 2015
nov. 2015
Rafael Martinelli et Claudio Contardo
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 27(4), 658–676, 2015
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sept. 2015
Statistical tests of data classifiability with respect to a clustering criterion
Pierre Hansen, Rita Macedo et Nenad Mladenović
Flogiston, 23, 9–26, 2015
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juin 2015
jan. 2015
Jack Brimberg, Henrik Juel, Mark-Christoph Körner et Anita Schöbel
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66(1), 33–43, 2015
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déc. 2014
Slim Belhaiza, Pierre Hansen et Gilbert Laporte
Computers & Operations Research, 52, 269–281, 2014
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mai 2014
avr. 2014
Jack Brimberg, Henrik Juel, Mark-Christoph Körner et Anita Schöbel
TOP, 22(1), 185–207, 2014
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fév. 2014
M.F. Uddin, Catherine Rosenberg, Weihua Zhuang, P. Mitran et André Girard
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 22(1), 80–93, 2014
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fév. 2014
Claudio Contardo, Jean-François Cordeau et Bernard Gendron
Journal of Heuristics, 20(1), 1–38, 2014
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jan. 2014
Claudio Contardo, Jean-François Cordeau et Bernard Gendron
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 26(1), 88–102, 2014
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jan. 2014
Jack Brimberg, Zvi Drezner, Nenad Mladenović et Said Salhi
European Journal of Operational Research, 232(2), 256–265, 2014
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nov. 2013
Claudio Contardo, Jean-François Cordeau et Bernard Gendron
Discrete Optimization, 10(4), 263–295, 2013
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oct. 2013
Rajasekhar Sappidi, André Girard et Catherine Rosenberg
IEEE Transactions on Networking, 21(5), 1581–1594, 2013
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jan. 2013
Computing statistical functions in wired networks
Rajasekhar Sappidi, Catherine Rosenberg et André Girard
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 31(4), 731–742, 2013
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déc. 2012
Claudio Contardo, Vera C. Hemmelmayr et Teodor Gabriel Crainic
Computers & Operations Research, 39(12), 3185–3199, 2012
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jan. 2012
An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for two-echelon vehicle routing problems arising in city logistics
Vera C. Hemmelmayr, Jean-François Cordeau et Teodor Gabriel Crainic
Computers & Operations Research, 39, 3215–3228, 2012
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jan. 2012
An analytical model for jitter in IP networks
Hamza Dahmouni, André Girard et Brunilde Sansò
Annals of Telecommunications, 67, 81–90, 2012
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jan. 2012
Aditya Mahajan et S. Tatikonda
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 58(7), 4331–4341, 2012
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jan. 2012
A bi-objective model for planning and managing rail-truck intermodal transportation of hazardous materials
Manish Verma, Vedat Verter et Nicolas Zufferey
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 48(1), 132–149, 2012
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jan. 2012
On the continuity of optimal controls and value functions with respect to initial conditions
Stefan Ng et Peter E. Caines
Systems and Control Letters, 61, 1294–1298, 2012
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jan. 2012
Optimization of codeshare flight selection for an airline company
Marc-Alexandre Laroche, Michel Gamache et Jérôme Olivier Ouellet
INFOR, 50(1), 31–39, 2012
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jan. 2011
Online vehicle routing and scheduling with dynamic travel times
Sandro Lorini, Jean-Yves Potvin et Nicolas Zufferey
Computers & Operations Research, 38(7), 1086–1090, 2011
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jan. 2011
Tabu search for shipping dangerous goods in a rail-truck network
Nicolas Zufferey et Manish Verma
Research in Logistics & Production, 1(3), 127–137, 2011
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jan. 2011
Gradient geodesic and Newton geodesic HMP algorithms for the optimization of hybrid systems
Farzin Taringoo et Peter E. Caines
Annual Reviews in Control, 35(2), 187–198, 2011
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jan. 2011
The mathematics of Peter L. Hammer (1936-2006): Graphs, optimization, and Boolean models
Endre Boros, Yves Crama, Dominique De Werra, Pierre Hansen et F. Maffray
Annals of Operations Research, 188(1), 1–18, 2011
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jan. 2010
Engineering wireless mesh networks: Joint scheduling, routing, power control and rate adaptation
Jun Luo, Catherine Rosenberg et André Girard
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 18(3), 1387–1400, 2010
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jan. 2010
Control of admission and routing in loss networks: Hybrid-dynamic programming equations
Zhongjing Ma, Peter E. Caines et Roland P. Malhamé
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 55(2), 350–366, 2010
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jan. 2009
Special issue on mathematical contributions to metaheuristics editorial
Pierre Hansen, V. Maniezzo et S. Voss
Journal of Heuristics, 15(3), 197–199, 2009
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jan. 2009
Variable neighborhood search for the heaviest k-subgraph
Jack Brimberg, Nenad Mladenović, Dragan Urosević et Eric W.T. Ngai
Computers & Operations Research, 36, 2885–2891, 2009
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jan. 2008
A two-level simulated annealing algorithm for efficient dissemination of electronic content
Tolga Bektas, Jean-François Cordeau, E. Erkut et Gilbert Laporte
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59, 1557–1567, 2008
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jan. 2008
Exact algorithms for the joint object placement and request routing problem in content distribution networks
Tolga Bektas, Jean-François Cordeau, E. Erkut et Gilbert Laporte
Computers & Operations Research, 35, 3860–3884, 2008
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jan. 2008
On a generalization of the Gallai-Roy-Vitaver theorem to the bandwidth coloring problem
Bernard Gendron, Alain Hertz et Patrick St-Louis
Operations Research Letters, 36, 345–350, 2008
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jan. 2008
Three Tabu search methods for the MI-FAP applied to 802.11 networks
Sacha Varone et Nicolas Zufferey
RAIRO-Operations Research, 42(4), 501–514, 2008
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jan. 2008
Complement to a comparative analysis of heuristics for the p-median problem
Pierre Hansen et Nenad Mladenović
Statistics and Computing, 18(1), 41–46, 2008
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jan. 2008
On the spectral radius of graphs with a given domination number
Dragan Stevanovic, Mustapha Aouchiche et Pierre Hansen
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 428(8-9), 1854–1864, 2008
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jan. 2008
The minimum spectral radius of graphics with a given clique number
Dragan Stevanovic et Pierre Hansen
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 17, 110–117, 2008
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jan. 2008
Variable neighborhood search
Pierre Hansen, Nenad Mladenović et José A. Moreno Pérez
European Journal of Operational Research, 191(3), 593–595, 2008
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jan. 2008
Variable neighborhood search for the k-cardinality subgraph problem
Jack Brimberg, Nenad Mladenović et Dragan Urosević
Journal of Heuristics, 14(5), 501–517, 2008
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jan. 2007
Une heuristique de recherche avec tabous pour la conception de riseaux de distribution de contenu électronique
Ghislain Dubuc, Tolga Bektas, Jean-François Cordeau et Gilbert Laporte
INFOR, 45, 175–195, 2007
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jan. 2007
A stochastic approximation approach to the power control problem
Huanshui Zhang, Weiyan Ge, Wing Shing Wong et Peter E. Caines
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 55(5), 878–886, 2007
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jan. 2007
On the hybrid optimal control problem: Theory and algorithms'
Mohammad Shahid Shaikh et Peter E. Caines
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 52(9), 1587–1603, 2007
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jan. 2007
On the supervisory control of multi-agent product systems: Controllability properties
I. Romanovski et Peter E. Caines
Systems and Control Letters, 56(2), 113–121, 2007
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jan. 2007
Algorithms for L1-embeddability and related problems
Pierre Hansen et Sylvain Perron
Journal of Classification, 24(2), 251–275, 2007
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jan. 2007
Comparing the Zagreb indices
Pierre Hansen et Damir Vukicevic
Croatica Chemica Acta, 80(2), 165–168, 2007
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jan. 2007
On pitfalls in computing the geodetic number of a graph
Nikolaj van Omme et Pierre Hansen
Optimization Letters, 1(3), 299–307, 2007
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jan. 2007
An exact solution approach for the preferential bidding system problem in the airline industry
Heykel Achour, Michel Gamache, François Soumis et Guy Desaulniers
Transportation Science, 41(3), 354–365, 2007
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jan. 2007
An optimal approach for solving the PBS problem
Heykel Achour, Michel Gamache, François Soumis et Guy Desaulniers
Transportation Science, 41(3), 354–365, 2007
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jan. 2007
Estimation of travel distances with the weighted lp norm: Some empirical results
Jack Brimberg, John H. Walker et Robert F. Love
Journal of Transport Geography, 15(1), 62–72, 2007
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jan. 2006
A sequential algorithm for constructing delay-constrained multirings for multipoint-to-multipoint communications
Y. Boujelben, André Girard et Jean-Charles Grégoire
Telecommunication Systems, 31(1), 43–59, 2006
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jan. 2006
Transmission link dimensioning and service assignment for differentiated protection
Y. Boujelben, André Girard et Brunilde Sansò
Journal of Network and Systems Management, 14(4), 517–536, 2006
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jan. 2006
On the supervisory control of multi-agent product systems
I. Romanovski et Peter E. Caines
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 51(5), 794–799, 2006
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jan. 2005
Analysis of global k-means an incremental heuristic for minimum sum-of-square clustering
Pierre Hansen, Eric W.T. Ngai, Bernard K.-S. Cheung et Nenad Mladenović
Journal of Classification, 22, 287–310, 2005
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jan. 2005
Heuristic procedures for solving the discrete ordered median problem
P. Dominguez-Martin, Stefan Nickel, Pierre Hansen et Nenad Mladenović
Annals of Operations Research, 136, 145–173, 2005
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jan. 2004
Improving interval-analysis bounds by translations
Emilio Carrizosa, Pierre Hansen et Frédéric Messine
Journal of Global Optimization, 29(2), 157–172, 2004
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jan. 2004
Parallel variable neighborhood search for the p-median
Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Michel Gendreau, Pierre Hansen et Nenad Mladenović
Journal of Heuristics, 10, 293–314, 2004
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jan. 2003
On the global controllability of nonlinear systems: Fountains, recurrence, and applications to Hamiltonian systems
Peter E. Caines et E.S. Lemch
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 41(5), 1532–1553, 2003
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jan. 2003
Identification of all steady-states in large networks by logical analysis
Vincent Devloo, Pierre Hansen et Martine Labbé
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 65(6), 1025–1051, 2003
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jan. 2003
Using stable sets to bound the chromatic number
Dominique De Werra et Pierre Hansen
Information Processing Letters, 87, 127–131, 2003
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sept. 2002
A separable approximation dynamic programming algorithm for economic dispatch with transmission losses
Pierre Hansen et Nenad Mladenović
Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 12(2), 157–166, 2002
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jan. 2002
Industrial applications of the variable neighborhood search metaheuristic
Pierre Hansen et Nenad Mladenović
Decision & Control in Management Science, 4, 261–273, 2002
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jan. 2011
The mathematics of Peter L. Hammer (1936-2006): Graphs, optimization, and Boolean models
Endre Boros, Yves Crama, Dominique De Werra, Pierre Hansen et F. Maffray
Springer, 188, 2011
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jan. 2008
Data mining and mathematical programming
Panos M. Pardalos et Pierre Hansen
45, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 234 pages, 2008
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jan. 2005
Essays and surveys in global optimization
Charles Audet, Pierre Hansen et Gilles Savard
Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2005
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jan. 2005
Graphs and discovery
Siemion Fajtlowicz, Patrick W. Fowler, Melvin F. Janowitz, Pierre Hansen et Fred S. Roberts
AMS, Providence, RI, 2005
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Chapitres de livre
déc. 2019
O. Gallay et Nicolas Zufferey
E. Besbes (eds.), Solving Transport Problems: Towards Green Logistics, Wiley, 97–114, 2019
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août 2018
Pierre Hansen et Nenad Mladenović
R. Martí, et al. (eds), Handbook of Heuristics , Springer, Cham, 759–787, 2018
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oct. 2016
Jack Brimberg, Nenad Mladenović et Dragan Urosević
V. Kalyagin, P. Koldanov, P. Pardalos (eds), Models, Algorithms, and Technologies for Network Analysis / From the 4th International Conference on Network Analysis, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol. 156, Springer, Cham, 3–38, 2016
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sept. 2016
Jack Brimberg, Nenad Mladenović, Raca Todosijević et Dragan Urosević
Y. Kochetov, et al. (eds), Discrete Optimization and Operations Research, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9869, Springer, Cham, 336–349, 2016
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juin 2014
Jhelum Chakravorty et Aditya Mahajan
N. Balakrishnan (ed.), Methods and Applications of Statistics in Clinical Trials, Volume 2: Planning, Analysis, and Inferential Methods, 2, John Wiley & Sons, 416–435, 2014
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juin 2014
Sonia Cafieri, Pierre Hansen et Nenad Mladenović
S. Butenko, E.L. Pasiliao, V. Shylo (eds.), Examining Robustness and Vulnerability of Networked Systems, 51–64, 2014
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jan. 2011
Bound constraints for point packing in a square
Alberto Costa, Pierre Hansen et Leo Liberti
L. Adacher et al., CTW11 Proceedings, Università di Roma 3, 126–129, 2011
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jan. 2011
The price of equity in the hazmat transportation problem
F. Roda, Pierre Hansen et Leo Liberti
L. Adacher et al., CTW11 Proceedings, Università di Roma 3, 235–238, 2011
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jan. 2011
Jack Brimberg et John M. Hodgson
H.A. Eiselt, V. Marianov (eds.), Foundations of Location Analysis, Vol. 155, Springer, 335–355, 2011
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jan. 2010
Static symmetry breaking in circle packing
Alberto Costa, Pierre Hansen et Leo Liberti
U. Faigle, R. Schrader, D. Herrmann, CTW10 Proceedings, Cologne, 47–50, 2010
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jan. 2009
Capacity planning and design of WiMAX access networks
Shekhar Srivastava, André Girard et Brunilde Sansò
WiMAX Network Planning and Optimization, Auerbach Publication, 2009
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jan. 2009
EM algorithm and variable neighborhood search for fitting finite mixture
Adel Bessadok, Pierre Hansen et Abdelwaheb Rebaï
Proceedings of IMCSIT’09, 725–733, 2009
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jan. 2007
A hybrid bellman equation for bimodal systems. Hybrid systems: Computation and control
Peter E. Caines, Magnus Egerstedt, Roland P. Malhamé et Angela Schöllig
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 4416, 656–659, 2007
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jan. 2005
Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs. 9. Bounding the irregularity of a graph
Pierre Hansen et Hadrien Mélot
S. Fajtlowicz, P.W. Fowler, P. Hansen, M.F. Janowitz, F.S. Roberts, Graphs and Discovery, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 69, 253–264, 2005
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jan. 2005
La méthode de décomposition de Benders
Michel Gamache et Anne Mercier
sous la dir. de P. Baptiste, A. Hait et F. Soumis, Gestion de production et ressources humaines : méthodes de planification dans les systèmes productifs, Les Presses internationales Polytechnique, 2005
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jan. 2005
La technique de génération de colonnes
Michel Gamache
sous la dir. de P. Baptiste, A. Hait et F. Soumis, Gestion de production et ressources humaines : méthodes de planification dans les systèmes productifs, Les Presses internationales Polytechnique, 2005
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oct. 2024
Jacques Desrosiers, Marco Lübbecke, Guy Desaulniers et Jean Bertrand Gauthier
À paraître dans : 2024
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Actes de conférence
déc. 2021
Shuang Gao, Peter E. Caines et Minyi Huang
2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Austin, TX, United States, 5253–5260, 2021
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jan. 2021
Christopher Neal, Hanane Dagdougui, Andrea Lodi et José Fernandez
2021 IEEE 11th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), NV, USA, 38–44, 2021
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déc. 2020
Rinel Foguen Tchuendom, Peter E. Caines et Minyi Huang
2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju Island, Korea, 1026–1031, 2020
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oct. 2020
Aizaz U. Chaudhry, Mital Kishorbhai Raithatha, Roshdy H.M. Hafez et John W. Chinneck
The 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning for Next Generation Systems and Networks (MLNGSN'2020), held in conjunction with IEEE ISNCC 2020, Montréal, Canada, 2020
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oct. 2020
Ghassan Fadlallah, Hamid Mcheick et Djamal Rebaïne
Internet-of-Things (IoT) Shortest Path Algorithms and Communication Case Studies for Maintaining Connectivity in Harsh Environements, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2020
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juin 2020
Fereshteh Fakhar Firouzeh, Sreeraman Rajan et John W. Chinneck
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Bari, Italy, 2020
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juin 2020
Cross-layer communication over fading channels with adaptive decision feedback
Borna Sayedana, Aditya Mahajan et Edmund Yeh
International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), Volos, Greece, 2020
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mai 2020
Minh Dat Nguyen, Tai Manh Ho, Long Bao Le et André Girard
2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Seoul, Korea, 1–6, 2020
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déc. 2019
Minh Dat Nguyen, Tai Manh Ho, Long Bao Le et André Girard
2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa, USA, 1–6, 2019
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déc. 2019
Nima Akbarzadeh et Aditya Mahajan
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Nice, France, 7294–7300, 2019
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oct. 2019
Massiva Roudjane, Djamal Rebaïne, Raphael Khoury et Sylvain Hallé
2019 IEEE 23rd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC), Paris, France, 2019
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sept. 2019
Nicolas Zufferey et Rozanne Tison
Advances in Optimization and Decision Science for Society, Services and Enterprises, AIRO Springer Series, vol. 3, Springer, Cham, 387–397, 2019
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sept. 2019
Ghassan Fadlallah, Hamid Mcheick et Djamal Rebaïne
Procedia Computer Science, 155, 201–209, 2019
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juin 2019
Nima Akbarzadeh et Aditya Mahajan
2019 16th Canadian Workshop on Information Theory (CWIT), Hamilton, ON, Canada, 1–6, 2019
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juin 2019
Pierre Coste, Andrea Lodi et Gilles Pesant
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research. CPAIOR 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11494, Springer, Cham, Thessaloniki, Greece, 182–191, 2019
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fév. 2019
Sonia Cafieri, Pierre Hansen et Frédéric Messine
Proceedings Lego – 14th International Global Optimization Workshop, 2070(020024 ), Leiden, The Netherlands, 2019
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déc. 2018
Mathew Sebin, Karl H. Johannson et Aditya Mahajan
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, Florida, 1712–1718, 2018
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déc. 2018
Jayakumar Subramanian, Aditya Mahajan et Aditya A. Paranjape
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, Florida, 2048–2055, 2018
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nov. 2018
Mauro Salazar, Federico Rossi, Maximilian Schiffer, Christopher H. Onder et Marco Pavone
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, Maui, HI, USA, 2262–2269, 2018
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oct. 2018
Massiva Roudjane, Djamal Rebaïne, Raphael Khoury et Sylvain Hallé
2018 IEEE 22nd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC), Stockholm, Suède, 2018
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sept. 2018
Algorithms for a minimum sum of squares clustering
Pierre Hansen
7th International Conference on Big Data Analytics & Data Mining, Chicago, USA, 2018
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juil. 2018
A policy gradient algorithm to compute boundedly rational stationary mean field equilibria
Jayakumar Subramanian et Aditya Mahajan
Proceedings of the ICML/IJCAI/AAMAS Workshop on Planning and Learning (PAL-18), Stockholm, Sweden, 2018
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juil. 2018
Consensus-induced centrality for networks of dynamical systems
Shuang Gao et Peter E. Caines
23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Hong Kong, China, 769–775, 2018
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juil. 2018
Short-term housing rentals and corporatization of platform pricing
Han Zhu, Mehmet Gumus et Saibal Ray
2018 INFORMS MSOM Conference, Dalas, TX, USA, 2018
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avr. 2018
Synchronizing heterogeneous vehicles in a routing and scheduling context
Marc-Antoine Coindreau, O. Gallay et Nicolas Zufferey
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, PMS 2018, Rome, Italy, 2018
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fév. 2018
Aircraft landing planning: Past, present and future
Marie-Sklaerder Vié, Nicolas Zufferey et R. Leus
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Congress of the French Operations Research Society, ROADEF 2018, Lorient, France, 2018
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nov. 2017
Yu Liu, Ashish Khisti et Aditya Mahajan
2017 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Montréal, Canada , 513–517, 2017
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oct. 2017
Travel speed prediction using machine learning techniques
Maha Gmira, Michel Gendreau, Andrea Lodi et Jean-Yves Potvin
ITS World Congress, Montréal, Canada, 10 pages, 2017
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sept. 2017
Aditya Mahajan
2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), Toronto, Canada, 1–5, 2017
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juil. 2017
Multi-modal variations of the vehicle routing problem
Marc-Antoine Coindreau, O. Gallay et Nicolas Zufferey
Proceedings of the 1st INFORMS Conference of the Transportation Science & Logistics Society, TSL 2017, Chicago, USA, 2017
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juil. 2017
Minimum energy control of arbitrary size networks of linear systems via graphon limits
Shuang Gao et Peter E. Caines
SIAM Workshop on Network Science, Pittsburgh, USA, 2017
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juin 2017
Jhelum Chakravorty et Aditya Mahajan
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Aachen, Germany, 1272–1276, 2017
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mai 2017
Jhelum Chakravorty, Jayakumar Subramanian et Aditya Mahajan
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), Seattle, WA, USA, 462–467, 2017
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mars 2017
Diego Enrique Perea-Vega, André Girard et Jean-François Frigon
2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 1–6, 2017
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mars 2017
Tam Thanh Tran, Vu Nguyen Ha, Long Bao Le et André Girard
2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 1–6, 2017
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fév. 2017
Vehicle routing with multi-modality: A practical application
Marc-Antoine Coindreau, O. Gallay et Nicolas Zufferey
Proceedings of the 18th Annual Congress of the French Operations Research Society, ROADEF 2017, Metz, France, 2017
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oct. 2016
Mohammed Saddoune et François Soumis
2016 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications (SITA), Mohammedia, Morocco, 4 pages, 2016
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sept. 2016
Hadhami Dbira, André Girard et Brunilde Sansò
2016 17th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (Networks), 95–100, 2016
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sept. 2016
Dynamic resource allocation for full-duplex OFDMA wireless cellular networks
Tam Thanh Tran, Vu Nguyen Ha, Long Bao Le et André Girard
2016 IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2016-Fall, Montréal, Canada, 2016
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sept. 2016
Jhelum Chakravorty et Aditya Mahajan
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems NECSYS 2016, 48(22), Tokyo, Japan, 7–12, 2016
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juin 2016
Amal Marzouki, Meriam Nefzi, Sehl Mellouli, Adnène Hajji et Monia Rekik
Proceedings of the 17th International Digital Government Research Conference on Digital Government Research, Shanghai, China, 536–537, 2016
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mars 2016
Simon Li et Aditya Mahajan
International Zurich Seminar on Communications (IZS), Zurich, Switzerland, 121–124, 2016
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fév. 2016
Distortion transmission function for transmitting autoregressive Markov processes under communication constraints
Jhelum Chakravorty et Aditya Mahajan
2016 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, San Diego, USA, 2016
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fév. 2016
Dynamic multi-trip vehicle routing with unusual time-windows for the pick-up of blood samples and delivery of medical material
Nicolas Zufferey, Byung Yun Cho et Rémy Glardon
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, Rome, Italie, 2016
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jan. 2016
SMART: Solution Methods with Ants Running by Types
Nicolas Zufferey
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Management Science (ICCMS 2016), Zurich, Switzerland, 2016
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déc. 2015
Jalal Arabneydi et Aditya Mahajan
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Osaka, Japon, 5308–5313, 2015
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oct. 2015
When to communicate in two player teams
Jhelum Chakravorty et Aditya Mahajan
Sixth Workshop on Dynamic Games in Management Science, Montréal, Canada, 2015
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oct. 2015
Remote estimation of Markov processes under communication constraints
Jhelum Chakravorty et Aditya Mahajan
Forth Rutgers Applied Probability Conference, Piscataway, USA, 2015
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oct. 2015
Nicolas Zufferey, Jaime Farres et Rémy Glardon
International Conference on Computational Logistics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9335, Springer, Cham, 3–15, 2015
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août 2015
M Danilo Abrignani, Lorenza Giupponi, Andrea Lodi et Roberto Verdone
2015 International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Bruxelles, Belgique, 760–764, 2015
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juil. 2015
Jalal Arabneydi et Aditya Mahajan
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Chicago, 5449–5456, 2015
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juil. 2015
Simon Li, Ashish Khisti et Aditya Mahajan
2015 IEEE 16th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Stockholm, 375–379, 2015
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juin 2015
Mean field teams
Jalal Arabneydi et Aditya Mahajan
7th Summer Solstice International Conference on Discrete Models of Complex Systems, Toronto, Canada, 2015
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juin 2015
Jhelum Chakravorty et Aditya Mahajan
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Hong Kong, 1387–1391, 2015
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juin 2015
Finite state approximations of POMDPs
Jalal Arabneydi et Aditya Mahajan
CORS/INFORMS 2015, Montréal, Canada, 2015
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juin 2015
Reinforcement learning in multi-agent systems with partial history sharing
Jalal Arabneydi et Aditya Mahajan
Proceedings of the Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM), Edmonton, 2015
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juin 2015
A flexible framework for solving the air conflict detection and resolution problem using maximum cliques in a graph
Thibault Lehouillier, Jérémy Omer, François Soumis et Guy Desaulniers
Proceedings of the 11th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, ATM 2015, 9 pages, 2015
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mai 2015
Prokopis Prokopiou, Peter E. Caines et Aditya Mahajan
Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Elecrtical and Computer Engineering, Halifax, 1299–1306, 2015
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mai 2015
Thibault Lehouillier, Jérémy Omer, François Soumis et Guy Desaulniers
Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences - MCO 2015 - Part I, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 3–14, 2015
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mars 2015
Mahmoud Ibrahiem Kamel Saad, Long Bao Le et André Girard
2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, LA , 966–971, 2015
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jan. 2015
Team optimal control of coupled major-minor subsystems with mean field sharing
Jalal Arabneydi et Aditya Mahajan
Proceedings of the Indian Control Conference, 95–100, 2015
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déc. 2014
Jalal Arabneydi et Aditya Mahajan
2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1669–1674, 2014
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déc. 2014
Jhelum Chakravorty et Aditya Mahajan
2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1041–1046, 2014
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oct. 2014
Jhelum Chakravorty et Aditya Mahajan
2014 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 335–342, 2014
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oct. 2014
Sonia Cafieri et Pierre Hansen
Models, Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis, Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 104, Springer, Cham, 9–20, 2014
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sept. 2014
Mahmoud Ibrahiem Kamel Saad, Long Bao Le et André Girard
2014 IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), Vancouver, BC , 1–5, 2014
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juil. 2014
Mehnaz Mannan et Aditya Mahajan
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2356–2360, 2014
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mai 2014
Interactions between operations and planning in air traffic control
Thibault Lehouillier, Jérémy Omer, François Soumis et Cyril Allignol
ICRAT 2014, 6th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, Istanbul, Turquie, 8 pages, 2014
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mars 2014
Linear arrangement problems and interval graphs
Alain Quilliot et Djamal Rebaïne
Combinatorial Optimization, Third International Symposium, ISCO 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, 359–370, 2014
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oct. 2013
A reputation based electronic government procurement model
Hichem Klabi, Sehl Mellouli et Monia Rekik
ICEGOV’13, Seoul, Korea, 2013
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juin 2012
Improved method to solve non convex quadratically constrained quadratic problems
Anthony Guillou, Pierre Hansen et Sylvain Perron
Proceedings of the Global Optimization Workshop 2012, Natal, Brazil, 73–76, 2012
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avr. 2012
Reformulation of a locally optimal heuristic for modularity maximization
Alberto Costa, Sonia Cafieri et Pierre Hansen
Proceedings of ROADEF 2012, 2012
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avr. 2012
Modularity clustering on trees
Sonia Cafieri et Pierre Hansen
Proceedings of ROADEF 2012, Angers, France, 2012
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jan. 2012
Hybrid thermodynamic control systems with phase transitions
Dmitry Gromov et Peter E. Caines
ADHS12, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 277–283, 2012
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jan. 2012
Large scale real-time bidding in the smart grid: A mean field framework
Arman C. Kizilkale, Shie Mannor et Peter E. Caines
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, 3680–3687, 2012
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jan. 2012
Newton-Geodesic HMP algorithms for the optimization of hybrid systems and geometric properties of hybrid value functions
Farzin Taringoo et Peter E. Caines
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, 4211–4216, 2012
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jan. 2012
On an extension of the hybrid minimum principle to systems on lie groups
Farzin Taringoo et Peter E. Caines
Proc.2012 American Control Conference, Montreal, 4534–4539, 2012
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jan. 2012
On the stability of interconnected thermodynamic systems with heat and work exchange
Dmitry Gromov et Peter E. Caines
Proc.2012 American Control Conference, Montreal, 386–391, 2012
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jan. 2012
The exponential gradient HMP algorithm for the optimization of hybrid systems on lie groups
Farzin Taringoo et Peter E. Caines
ADHS12, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 33–38, 2012
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jan. 2012
A trust model for multi-agent negotiation
Hichem Klabi, Khaled Mellouli, Sehl Mellouli et Monia Rekik
The Second International Conference on Communications and Information Technology - ICCIT 2012, 26-28 juin 2012, Hammamet, Tunisie, 2012
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oct. 2011
Optimisation des remplacements de pneus d’autobus
Karem Ammar, Mohamed-Salah Ouali et Michel Gamache
Congrès international de génie industriel 2011, 2011
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juin 2011
Bound constraints for point packing in a square
Alberto Costa, Pierre Hansen et Leo Liberti
CTW11 Proceedings, Università di Roma 3, 126–129, 2011
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juin 2011
Bruno Simeone's Work in Clustering
Pierre Hansen
CTW11 Proceedings, Università di Roma 3, page 11, 2011
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juin 2011
The price of equity in the hazmat transportation problem
F. Roda, Pierre Hansen et Leo Liberti
CTW11 Proceedings, Università di Roma 3, 235–238, 2011
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mars 2011
Hierarchical clustering for the identification of communities in networks
Sonia Cafieri, Pierre Hansen et Leo Liberti
Proceedings of ROADEF 2011, Saint-Étienne, France, 2011
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mars 2011
Symmetry breaking constraints for the circle packing in a square problem
Alberto Costa, Pierre Hansen et Leo Liberti
Proceedings of ROADEF 2011, Saint-Étienne, France, 2011
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jan. 2011
Interconnection of thermodynamic control systems
Dmitry Gromov et Peter E. Caines
Proc. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, 6091–6097, 2011
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jan. 2011
On the extension of the hybrid maximum principle to Riemannian manifolds
Farzin Taringoo et Peter E. Caines
50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, Floride, 3301–3306, 2011
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août 2010
Formulation symmetries in circle packing
Alberto Costa, Leo Liberti et Pierre Hansen
ISCO Proceedings, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 36, 1303–1310, 2010
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jan. 2009
Efficient algorithms to solve a class of resource allocation problems in large wireless networks
Jun Luo, Catherine Rosenberg et André Girard
Proc. WIOPT09, 2009
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jan. 2009
Joint configuration of routing and medium access parameters in wireless networks
M.F. Uddin, Catherine Rosenberg, Weihua Zhuang et André Girard
Proc. Globecom, 1–8, 2009
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jan. 2009
Large population games in radial loss networks: Computationally tractable equilibria for distributed network admission control
Zhongjing Ma, Peter E. Caines et Roland P. Malhamé
GamesNet 2009, Istanbul, Turkey, 418–427, 2009
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jan. 2007
An algebraic framework for Bayes nets of time series
Peter E. Caines et H.P. Wynn
Modeling, Estimation and Control: Festschrift in Honor of Giorgio Picci on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday, 45–57, 2007
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jan. 2006
A maximum principle for hybrid optimal control problems with pathwise state constraints
Peter E. Caines, Francis H. Clarke, X. Lui et R.B. Vinter
45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, 2006
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jan. 2006
Convergence analysis of hybrid minimum principle (HMP) optimal control algorithms
Peter E. Caines et Mohammad Shahid Shaikh
The Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems Conference, Kyoto, Japon, 2083–2088, 2006
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jan. 2006
New results in optimality zone hybrid optimal control algorithms: Halting and geometry
Peter E. Caines et Mohammad Shahid Shaikh
The Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems Conference, Kyoto, Japon, 619–624, 2006
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jan. 2006
Optimal stochastic control of networks: Call admission and routing for simple networks
Zhongjing Ma, Peter E. Caines et Roland P. Malhamé
ISYC2006, Aiya Napa, Chypre, 2006
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jan. 2006
Stochastic hybrid NETCAD systems for modelling: Call admission and routing control in networks
Zhongjing Ma, Peter E. Caines et Roland P. Malhamé
Proceedings 2nd IFAC Conference on the Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, ADHS06, Alghero, Italie, 166–171, 2006
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