Logistique intelligente (conception d’horaires, chaînes d’approvisionnement, logistique, systèmes manufacturiers)


Cahiers du GERAD

784 résultats — page 4 de 40

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Dans la plupart des municipalités suisses, la collecte des déchets non valorisables s'effectue au moyen d'un système de collecte en bordure de trottoir, avec...

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Column generation is an iterative method used to solve a variety of optimization problems. It decomposes the problem into two parts: a master problem, and on...

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In this paper, we study a distributionally robust multi-item newsvendor problem, where the demand distribution is unknown but specified with a general event-...

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Production yield can be highly volatile and uncertain, especially in industries where exogenous and environmental factors such as the climate or raw material...

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Le Dixième atelier de résolution de problèmes industriels de Montréal, qui eut lieu du 13 au 27 août 2020, fut organisé conjointement par le Centre de recher...

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This paper studies a stochastic variant of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) where both customer locations and demands are uncertain. In particular, potentia...

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Binary quadratic programming (BQP) is a class of combinatorial optimization problems comprising binary variables, quadratic objective functions and linear/no...

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A new linear model is presented herein to optimize strategic production scheduling of an open pit mine with multiple processing streams while accounting for...

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Geostatistically simulated representations of mineral deposits are used for resource/reserve assessments, mine design and production planning, project evalua...

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Industrial mining complexes can be optimized using simultaneous stochastic optimization (SSO), which manages the risks associated with meeting production tar...

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This paper presents a new truck dispatching policy approach that is adaptive given different mining complex configurations in order to deliver supply materia...

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The primal simplex algorithm is still one of the most used algorithms by the operations research community. It moves from basis to adjacent one until optimal...

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We consider the problem of scheduling maintenance for a collection of machines under partial observations when the state of each machine deteriorates stochas...

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In this paper, we introduce a new variant of the vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) that arises in parcel delivery by postal services. In addi...

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Cet article présente les propriétés de l'algorithme MMCC (minimum mean cycle-canceling) pour la résolution de programmes linéaires. Initialement conçu ...

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Personnel scheduling aims to determine least-cost personnel schedules to meet the demand for employees in each period of a planning horizon. In this article,...

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The personalized crew rostering problem (CRP) consists of assigning pairings (sequences of flights, deadheads, connections, and rests, forming one or several...

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The crew pairing problem (CPP) is solved in the first step of the crew scheduling process. It consists of creating a set of pairings (sequence of flights, co...

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We consider logistic collaborations where multiple carriers collaborate by consolidating demands, combining delivery routes, and serving new customers. Logis...

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Nous représentons une chaîne d'approvisionnement en boucle fermée composée d'un fabricant et d'un détaillant comme un jeu dynamique joué sur un arbre d'évén...

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