Axe 2 : Aide à la décision prise dans les systèmes complexes
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1378 résultats — page 1 de 69
Les grands projets s'écartent souvent de leur budget, de leur calendrier et de leurs bénéfices attendus. Les techniques existantes pour améliorer les prévisi...
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JSOSuite.jl est un nouveau package Julia offrant une interface conviviale pour l'optimisation non linéaire continue. Les solveurs disponibles sont ceux de l'...
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We consider a provider of electric vehicle charging that operates a network of charging stations and uses time-varying pricing to maximize profit and reduce ...
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The water pump scheduling problem is an optimisation model that determines which water pumps will be turned on or off at each time period over a given time h...
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This work introduces a _partitioned optimization framework_ (POf) to ease the solving process for optimization problems for which fixing some variables to a...
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This paper addresses the limitations of current satellite payload architectures, which are predominantly hardware-driven and lack the flexibility to adapt to...
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This paper tackles a complex variant of the unit commitment (UC) problem at Hydro-Quebec, referred to as the transient stability constrained unit commitmen...
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Cet article propose une nouvelle étape à ajouter à chaque itération de la Méthode de Recherche Directe Direct Search Method (DSM) en anglais) pour renfor...
référence BibTeXRipQP: A multi-precision regularized predictor-corrector method for convex quadratic optimization
Nous présentons RipQP, un algorithme de points intérieurs pour l'optimisation quadratique convexe écrit en Julia, libre de droit, dont le code source est lib...
référence BibTeX\(\texttt{solar}\): A solar thermal power plant simulator for blackbox optimization benchmarking
This work introduces solar, a collection of ten optimization problem instances for benchmarking blackbox optimization solvers. The instances present differ...
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L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser la conséquence de l’utilisation de stratégies d’adapta-tion sur les accords internationaux pour la protection de l’e...
référence BibTeXBranch-and-Price
Integer (linear) programs are a standard way of formalizing a vast array of optimization problems in industry, services, management, science, and technology....
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Heterogeneous datasets emerge in various machine learning or optimization applications that feature different data sources, various data types and complex re...
référence BibTeXA general error analysis for randomized low-rank approximation with application to data assimilation
Randomized algorithms have proven to perform well on a large class of numerical linear algebra problems. Their theoretical analysis is critical to provide gu...
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Les méthodes de lagrangien augmenté (AL) forment une classe bien connue d’algorithmes pour les problèmes d’optimisation sous contraintes. Elles ont été é...
référence BibTeXJoint optimization of electric bus scheduling and fast charging infrastructure location planning
Transit authorities are rapidly replacing conventional buses with electric ones because of the increasing concerns about air quality, greenhouse gas emission...
référence BibTeXCesogen: Cellular solid generator
Cellular solids are structures which have applications in mechanical engineering to make lightweight structures and heat exchangers, in biomedical engineer...
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This paper describes a planning problem faced by a fast-growing petroleum company in West Africa. The problem is a complex variant of the petrol station repl...
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Efficiently solving a vehicle routing problem (\(\mathcal{VRP}\)
) in a practical runtime is a critical challenge for delivery management companies. This pa...
This poster conceptually lays out recent advances in trustworthy machine learning (ML) that are of great interest for power systems applications like virtu...
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