Ingénierie (conception en ingénierie, conception numérique)


Cahiers du GERAD

216 résultats — page 1 de 11

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This work introduces solar, a collection of ten optimization problem instances for benchmarking blackbox optimization solvers. The instances present differ...

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Randomized algorithms have proven to perform well on a large class of numerical linear algebra problems. Their theoretical analysis is critical to provide gu...

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Les méthodes de lagrangien augmenté (AL) forment une classe bien connue d’algorithmes pour les problèmes d’optimisation sous contraintes. Elles ont été é...

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Cellular solids are structures which have applications in mechanical engineering to make lightweight structures and heat exchangers, in biomedical engineer...

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Nous présentons une analyse de la borne de complexité dans le pire des cas pour les méthodes de région de confiance en présence d'approximations du Hessien...

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The purpose of the present note is to bring clarifications to certain concepts and surrounding notation of Aravkin et al. (2022). All results therein contin...

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We develop a trust-region method for minimizing the sum of a smooth term \(f\) and a nonsmooth term \(h\), both of which can be nonconvex. Each iteratio...

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Nous développons une méthode de points intérieurs pour l'optimisation non lisse régularisée avec contraintes de bornes. Notre méthode résout de manière ité...

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The fine-tuning of Large Language Models (LLMs) has enabled them to recently achieve milestones in natural language processing applications. The emergenc...

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The cosine measure was introduced in 2003 to quantify the richness of a finite positive spanning sets of directions in the context of derivative-free direc...

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A challenge in aircraft design optimization is the presence of non-computable, so-called hidden, constraints that do not return a value in certain regions of...

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In this work, we improve the efficiency of Unit Commitment (UC) optimization solvers using a Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCNN). In power systems, UC ...

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Cet article propose une nouvelle étape à ajouter à chaque itération de la Méthode de Recherche Directe Direct Search Method (DSM) en anglais) pour renfor...

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In this work, we propose a non-intrusive and training free method to detect behind-the-meter (BTM) electric vehicle (EV) charging events from the data measur...

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La bibliothèque de sous-programmes Harwell (HSL) est une suite renommée de méthodes numériques efficaces et robustes conçus pour résoudre des problèmes mathé...

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Monte Carlo (MC) is widely used for the simulation of discrete time Markov chains. We consider the case of a \(d\)-dimensional continuous state space and w...

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This work introduces a novel multi-fidelity blackbox optimization algorithm designed to alleviate the resource-intensive task of evaluating infeasible points...

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We consider the set of graphs that can be constructed from a one-vertex graph by repeatedly adding a clique or a stable set linked to all or none of the vert...

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L'apprentissage par renforcement (RL) pour les processus décisionnels de Markov partiellement observables (POMDP) est un problème difficile car les décisions...

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This paper first introduces a computationally efficient approach for conducting a time-series impact analysis of electric vehicle (EV) charging on the loadin...

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