S. Bonte, G. Devillez, V. Dusollier, A. Hertz, H.
Mélot, D. Schindl, accepted January 2025, “Extremal chemical graphs of maximum
degree at most 3 for 33 degree-based topological indices”, to appear in MATCH
Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry.
A. Wecker, N.Tuval, A. Hertz, M. Mahamad, T.
Kuflik, 2024, “A
roadmap for privacy preserving tourist recommendation system”, In RecTour 2024
: Recommenders in Tourism, volume 3886 of ceur-ws.org (edited by J. Neidhardt,
T. Kuflik, A. Livne and M. Zanker, ISSN 1613-0073), pages 68-73.
A. Hertz, S. Bonte, G. Devillez, V. Dusollier, H.
Mélot, D. Schindl, 2025, “Extremal
Chemical Graphs for the Arithmetic-Geometric Index”, MATCH
Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 93(3), 791-818.
Hertz, 2024, “Graphs
obtained by disjoint unions and joins of cliques and stable sets”, RAIRO
58(3), 2631-2636.
Hertz, S. Bonte, G. Devillez, H. Mélot, 2024, “The
average size of maximal matchings in graphs”, Journal of Combinatorial
Optimization 47, 46 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10878-024-01144-8
R. Randel, D. Aloise, A. Hertz, 2023, “A
Lagrangian-based approach to learn distance metrics for clustering with minimal
data transformation”, Proceedings of the 2023 SIAM International Conference
on Data Mining (SDM), 127-135.
Hertz, H. Mélot, S. Bonte, G. Devillez, P. Hauweele, 2023, “Upper
bounds on the average number of colors in the non-equivalent colorings of a
graph”, Graphs and Combinatorics 39:49
Hertz, H. Mélot, S. Bonte, G. Devillez, 2023, “Lower
Bounds and properties for the average number of colors in the non-equivalent
colorings of a graph”, Discrete Applied Mathematics 335, 69-81
D. Liu, V. Perreault, A. Hertz, A. Lodi, 2023,
machine learning framework for neighbor generation in metaheuristic search”,
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 9.
Hertz, A. Hertz, H. Mélot, 2021, “Using
Graph Theory to Derive Inequalities for the Bell Numbers”, Journal of
Integer Sequences 24, article 21.10.6
R. Randel, D. Aloise, S.J. Blanchard, A. Hertz,
2021, “A
Lagrangian-based score for assessing the quality of pairwise constraints in
semi-supervised clustering”, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 35, 2341–2368
Hertz, accepted August 2021, “Decycling
bipartite graphs”,
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 25(1):461-480
Cantardo, A. Hertz, 2021, “An
exact algorithm for a class of geometric set-cover problems”, Discrete Applied Mathematics
A. Hertz, T. Kuflik, N. Tuval, 2021, “Resolving
sets and integer programs for recommender systems”, Journal of Global
Optimization, doi.org/10.1007/s10898-020-00982-0
C. Bentz, M.C. Costa, A. Hertz, 2020, “On
the edge capacitated Steiner tree problem”, Discrete Optimization 38,
R. Bürgy, A. Hertz, P. Baptiste, 2020, “An
exact dymamic programming algorithm for the precedence-constrained class
sequencing problem”, Computers & Operations Research 124,
A. Hertz, T. Ridremont, 2020, “A Tabu
Search for the Design of Capacitated Rooted Survivable Planar Networks”,
Journal of Heuristics 26, 829-850.
A. Hertz, C. Picouleau, 2019, “On graceful difference
labelings of disjoint unions of circuits”, Open Journal of Discrete Applied
Mathematics (ODAM) 2(3):38-55.
G. Devillez, A. Hertz, H. Mélot, P. Hauwelle,
2019, “Minimum Eccentric Connectivity
Index for Graphs with Fixed Order and Fixed Number of Pending Vertices”, Yugoslav Journal of Operations
Research 29(2), 193-202.
P. Hauwelle , A. Hertz, H. Mélot, B. Ries, G.
Devillez, 2019, “Maximum
Eccentric Connectivity Index for Graphs with Given Diameter”, Discrete Applied Mathematics
A. Hertz, R. Montagné, F. Gagnon, 2018, “A Comparison of integer
programming models for the partial directed weighted improper coloring problem”,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2018.08.026
P. Hansen, M. Aouchiche, G. Caporossi, A.
Hertz, C. Sellal, 2018, “Mixed Integer Programming and Extremal Chemical
Graphs”, International Journal of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering Systems, 3:22-30
A. Hertz, R. Montagné, F. Gagnon, 2017, “Online
algorithms for the maximum k-colorable subgraph problem”, Computers &
Operations Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2017.10.003
A. Hertz, V. Lozin, B. Ries, V. Zamaraev, D. de
Werra, 2017, “Dominating
induced matchings in graphs containing no long claw”, Journal of Graph
Theory, https://doi.org/10.1002/jgt.22182
R. Bürgy, P. Baptiste, A. Hertz, D. Rebaïne, A.
Linhares, 2017, “A stochastic
online algorithm for unloading boxes from a conveyor line”, Flexible
Services and Manufacturing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10696-017-9291-9
P. Hansen, A. Hertz, C. Sellal, D. Vukičević,
M. Aouchiche, G. Caporossi, 2017, “Edge
realizability of connected simple graphs”, MATCH
Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 78:689-712.
A. Rybarczyk, A. Hertz, M. Kasprzak, J.
Blazewicz, 2017, “Tabu Search
for the RNA Partial Degradation Problem”, International Journal of Applied
Mathematics and Computer Science 27:401-415.
A. Hertz, 2017, An IP-based swapping algorithm
for the metric dimension and minimal doubly resolving set problems in
hypercubes, Optimization Letters, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11590-017-1184-z
S. Altinakar, A. Hertz, G. Caporossi, 2017, “Symmetry Breaking
Constraints for the Minimum Deficiency Problem”, Journal of Graph
Algorithms and Applications 21(2):195-218.
R. Montagné, A. Hertz, F. Gagnon, 2017, “A multi-cell graph based
dynamic resource allocation scheme for multi-user wireless networks”,
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 76:60-70.
31. P. Baptiste, R. Bürgy, A. Hertz, D. Rebaïne, 2017, “Online heuristics for unloading boxes off a gravity conveyor”, International Journal of Production Research 55(11):3046-3057.
M. Adgbindin, A. Hertz, M. Bellaïche, 2016, “A new efficient RLF-like
algorithm for the vertex coloring problem”, Yugoslav Journal of Operations
Research 26(4):441-446.
A. Hertz, O. Marcotte, A. Mdimagh, M. Carreau,
F. Welt, 2016, “On the design of a wind farm collection network when several
cable types are available”, J , doi:10.1057/s41274-016-0021-6
R. Absil, É. Camby, A. Hertz, H. Mélot, 2016,
“A sharp lower bound on the number of non-equivalent colorings of graphs of
order n and maximum degree n-3”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2016.06.025
A. Hertz, R. Montagné, F. Gagnon, 2016,
“Constructive algorithms for the partial directed weighted improper coloring
problem”, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 20, 159-188.
36. A. Hertz, “Dessine-moi un graphe”, 2016, Accromath 11, 8-13.
A. Hertz, H. Mélot, accepted September 2016, “Counting
the number of non-equivalent vertex colorings of a graph”, Discrete
Applied Mathematics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2015.09.015
S. Altinakar, A. Hertz, G. Caporossi, 2016, “A
comparison of integer and constraint programming models for the deficiency
problem”, Computers & Operations Research 68, 89-96.
J. Blazewicz, A. Hertz, C. Picouleau, M.
Widmer, 2015, « Foreword » Discrete Applied Mathematics
182, 1.
C. Archetti, N. Bianchessi, A. Hertz, A.
Colombet, F. Gagnon, 2015, « Directed weighted improper coloring for cellular
channel allocation » Discrete Applied Mathematics 182, 46-60.
A. Hertz, B. Ries, 2014, “A note
on r-equitable k-colorings of trees”, Yugoslav Journal of Operations
Research 24/2, 293-298.
A. Hertz, O. Marcotte, D. Schindl, 2014, “On
the maximum orders of an induced forest, an induced tree, and a stable set”,
Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 24/2, 199-215.
C. Desrosiers, P. Galinier, P. Hansen, A.
Hertz, 2014, “ Automated
generation of conjectures on forbidden subgraph characterization”, Discrete Applied Mathematics 162,
C. Archetti, N. Bianchessi, A. Hertz, M.G.
Speranza, 2014, “The Split Delivery Capacitated Team Orienteering Problem”,
Networks, 63/1, 16-33.
C. Archetti, N. Bianchessi, A. Hertz, M.G.
Speranza, 2014, “Incomplete Service and Split
Deliveries in a Routing Problem with Profits”, Networks, 63/2,
C. Archetti, N. Bianchessi, A. Hertz, 2014, “A branch-and-price algorithm for
the robust graph coloring problem”, Discrete Applied Mathematics,
165, 49-59.
P. Baptiste, A. Hertz, A. Linhares, D. Rebaine,
2013, « A
polynomial time algorithm for unloading boxes off a gravity conveyor »,
Discrete Optimization 10, 251-262.
48. A. Hertz, 2012, “L’enseignement de la théorie des graphes à l’aide d’intrigues policières”, Bulletin de l’APMEP 499, 290-296.
P. St-Louis, B. Gendron, A. Hertz, 2012, “Total Domination and the
Caccetta-Häggkvist Conjecture”, Discrete Optimization 9/4, 236-240.
A. Hertz, M. Uldry, M. Widmer, 2012, “Integer Linear Programming Models for a Cement Delivery
Problem”, European J. of Operational Research 222/3, 623-631.
A. Hertz, O. Marcotte, A. Mdimagh, M. Carreau,
F. Welt, 2012, “Optimizing the Design of a Wind Farm Collection Network”,
INFOR 50:2, 95-104.
C. Archetti, L. Bertazzi, A. Hertz, M.G.
Speranza, 2012, “A hybrid heuristic for an inventory-routing problem”,
INFORMS Journal on
Computing 24:1,101-116.
S. Altinakar, G. Caporossi, A. Hertz, 2011, “On compact k-edge-colorings : a polynomial time reduction
from linear to cyclic”, Discrete Optimization 8:3, 502-512.
P. Galinier, A. Hertz, S. Paroz, G. Pesant,
2011, “Using local search to speed up filtering algorithms for
some NP-Hard constraints”, Annals of Operations Research 184:1,
M. Bouchard, M. Čangalović, A. Hertz, 2010, “On a reduction of the interval coloring problem to a series
of bandwidth coloring problems”, Journal of Scheduling 13,
56. A. Hertz, R. Razanakoto, 2010, “Confection de calendriers de matchs pour le sport universitaire et collégial au Québec”, INFOR 48, 181-189.
C. Desrosiers, P. Galinier, P. Hansen, A.
Hertz, 2011, “Improving constrained pattern mining with first-fail-based
heuristics”, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 23:1, 63-90.
A. Hertz, N. Lahrichi, M. Widmer, 2010, “A flexible MILP model for multiple-shift workforce planning
under annualized hours”, European Journal of Operational
Research 200, 860-873.
C. Archetti, D. Feillet, A. Hertz, M.G.
Speranza, 2010, “The
undirected capacitated arc routing problem with profits”,
Computers & Operations Research 37, 1860-1869.
A. Hertz, D. de Werra, 2009, “A magnetic procedure for the
stability number”, Graphs and Combinatorics 25, 707-716.
C. Archetti, D. Feillet, A. Hertz, M.G.
Speranza, 2009, “The
Capacitated Team Orienteering and Profitable Tour Problems”,
Journal of the Operational Research Society 60, 831-842.
L.M. Gambardella, A. Hertz, F. Maffray, M.
Widmer, 2009, Sixth International
Conference on Graphs and Optimization 2007: Foreword, Discrete Applied Mathematics
157(17), 3495-3496.
M. Bouchard, M. Čangalović, A. Hertz, 2009, “About equivalent interval colorings of weighted graphs”,
Discrete Applied Mathematics 157, 3615-3624.
A. Hertz, D. Schindl, N. Zufferey, 2009, “A
Solution Method for a Car Fleet Management Problem with Maintenance Constraints”,
Journal of Heuristics, 15,
C. Desrosiers, P. Galinier, A. Hertz, S. Paroz,
2009, “Using Meta-heuristics to Find
Minimal Unsatisfiable Subformulas in Satisfiability Problems”,
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 18, 124-150.
M. Bouchard, A. Hertz, G. Desaulniers, 2009, “Lower
bounds and a tabu search algorithm for the minimum deficiency problem”, Journal of Combinatorial
Optimization 17, 168-191.
A. Hertz, M. Plumettaz, N. Zufferey, 2009, Corrigendum to
<Variable Space Search for Graph Coloring>, Discrete Applied
Mathematics 157 (7), 1335-1336.
A.-S. Pepin, G. Desaulniers, A. Hertz, D.
Huisman, 2009, “Comparison of Heuristic Approaches for the Multiple Depot
Vehicle Scheduling Problem”, Journal of Scheduling 12(1), 17-30.
A. Hertz, N. Lahrichi, 2008, “A Patient Assignment Algorithm for
Home Care Services”, Journal of the Operational Research
Society 60, 481-495.
P. Hansen, A. Hertz, R. Kilani, O. Marcotte, D.
Schindl, 2008, “Average distance and
maximum induced forest”, Journal of Graph Theory 60 (1),
D. de Werra, E. Boros, J. Carlier, A. Hertz, M.
Widmer, 2008, Fifth International Conference
on Graphs and Optimization 2006 : Foreword, Discrete Applied
Mathematics 156, 2437-2438.
A. Hertz, M. Plumettaz, N. Zufferey, 2008, “Variable Space Search
for Graph Coloring”, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156
(13), 2551-2560.
A. Hertz, S. Varone, 2008, “The
Metric Cutpoint Partition Problem”, Journal of Classification 25:2,
P. Galinier, A. Hertz, S. Paroz, G. Pesant,
2008, “Using local search to speed up filtering algorithms for
some NP-Hard constraints”, in Integration of AI and OR
Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science
5015, 298,-302, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
B. Gendron, A. Hertz, P. St-Louis, 2008, “A Sequential Elimination
Algorithm for Computing Bounds on the Clique Number of a Graph”,
Discrete Optimization 5, 615-628.
B. Gendron, A. Hertz, P. St-Louis, 2008, “On a Generalization of the
Gallai-Roy-Vitaver Theorem to the Bandwidth Coloring Problem”,
Operations Research Letters 36, 345-350.
C. Desrosiers, P. Galinier, A. Hertz, 2008, “Efficient
Algorithms for Finding Critical Subgraphs”, Discrete Applied
Mathematics 156, 244-266.
P. Galinier, A. Hertz and N. Zufferey, 2008,
"An adaptive Memory Algorithm for the k-Colouring Problem”,
Discrete Applied Mathematics 156, 267-279.
A. Hertz, S. Varone, 2007, “The
Metric Bridge Partition Problem : partitioning of a metric space into two
subspaces linked by an edge in any optimal realization”, Journal of
Classification 24, 235-249.
C. Archetti, A. Hertz, M.G. Speranza, 2007,
"Metaheuristics for the Team Orienteering Problem", Journal of
Heuristics 13, 49-76.
A. Hertz, S. Varone, 2007, “A note
on tree realizations of matrices”, RAIRO-Operations Research 41,
M. Gamache, A. Hertz, J. Ouellet, 2007, “A
graph coloring model for a feasibility problem in crew scheduling”,
Computers & Operations Research 34, 2384-2395.
B. Gendron, A. Hertz and P. St-Louis, 2007,
"On edge orienting methods for graph coloring", Journal
of Combinatorial Optimization 13, 163-178.
P. Galinier and A. Hertz, 2007, “Solution
Techniques for the Large Set Covering Problem”, Discrete Applied
Mathematics 155, 312-326.
N. Lahrichi, A. Hertz, S.D. Lapierre, A. Talib,
L. Bouvier, 2006, “Analysis of a territorial approach to the delivery of nursing
home care services based on historical data”, Journal of Medical
Systems 30/4, 283-291.
M.U. Gerber, A. Hertz and V.V. Lozin, 2006, “Finding
Augmenting Chains in Graphs without a Skew Star”, Journal of
Combinatorial Theory, Series B 96, 352-366.
P. Galinier, A. Hertz, 2006, “A
Survey of Local Search Methods for Graph Coloring”, Computers &
Operations Research 33, 2547-2562.
M. Gendreau, A. Hertz, 2006, "Editorial :
Anniversary focused issue of Computers & Operations Research on tabu
search", Computers & Operations Research 33, 2447-2448.
C. Archetti, A. Hertz, M.G. Speranza, 2006,
"A tabu search algorithm for the split delivery vehicle routing
problem", Transportation Science 40/1, 64-73.
90. A. Hertz, 2005, “Les métaheuristiques : quelques conseils pour en faire bon usage”, in "Gestion de Production et Ressources Humaines : méthodes de planification dans les systèmes productifs", Presses Internationales de Polytechnique, 205-222.
A. Hertz, 2005, "Recent
trends in arc routing", in "Graph Theory, Combinatorics
and Algorithmics : Interdisciplinary Applications" (Eds I. Hartman and M.
Golumbic), Kluwer, 215-236.
A. Hertz, D. Schindl and N. Zufferey, 2005,
"Lower Bounding and Tabu Search Procedures for the Frequency
Assignment Problem with Polarization Constraints", 4OR 3/2,
A. Hertz, V.V. Lozin, 2005, "The
Maximum Independent Set Problem and Augmenting Graphs", in
"Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization" (Eds D. Avis, A. Hertz,
O. Marcotte), Springer, 69-99.
J.-F. Cordeau, M. Gendreau, A. Hertz, G.
Laporte, J.-S. Sormany, 2005, "New
Heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem", in "Logistics
Systems: Design and Optimization" (Eds A. Langevin and D. Riopel),
Springer, 270-297.
M. Gendreau, A. Hertz, F. Semet and M. Widmer,
2004, "Graph Optimization IV :
Preface", Discrete Applied Mathematics 145, 1-2.
M. Gerber, A. Hertz and D. Schindl, 2004,
"P5-free augmenting graphs
and the maximum stable set problem", Discrete
Applied Mathematics 132, 109-119.
M. Gerber, A. Hertz and V. Lozin, 2004, "Stable
sets in two subclasses of banner-free graphs", Discrete Applied
Mathematics 132, 121-136.
A. Hertz and M. Widmer, 2003, "Guidelines
for the use of meta-heuristics in combinatorial optimization",
European Journal of Operational Research 151, 247-252.
C. Avanthay, A. Hertz and N. Zufferey, 2003,
variable neighborhood search for graph coloring", European
Journal of Operational Research 151, 379-388.
100. T. Kis and A.
Hertz, 2003, "A lower bound for the job insertion problem",
Discrete Applied Mathematics 128, 395-419.
101. A. Hertz, V.
Lozin and D. Schindl, 2003, "Finding
augmenting chains in extensions of claw-free graphs",
Information Processing Letters 86/6, 311-316.
102. F. Herrmann and
A. Hertz, 2002, "Finding the chromatic number by means of critical graphs",
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 7/10, 1-9.
( Errata: Five lines are missing in the published versions of Table 2 of
the paper. Here is a PDF version containing the full Table)
103. M. Gerber, P.
Hansen and A. Hertz, 2002, "Extension
of Turan's Theorem to the 2- Stability Number", Graphs and
Combinatorics 18/3, 479-489.
104. M.-C. Costa, A.
Hertz and M. Mittaz, 2002, "Bounds and
Heuristics for the Shortest Capacitated Paths Problem", Journal
of Heuristics 8, 449-465.
105. G. Ghiani, A.
Hertz and G. Laporte, 2002, "Recent algorithmic advances for arc routing
problems" Operations
Research/Management Science at Work, E. Kozan and A. Ohuchi eds., Kluwer,
Boston, 1-20.
106. M.U. Gerber and
A. Hertz, 2001, "A transformation which preserves the clique number",
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 83, 320-330.
107. A. Hertz and M.
Mittaz, 2001, "A Variable Neighbourhood Descent Algorithm for the
Undirected Capacitated Arc Routing Problem", Transportation Science 35,
108. A. Hertz, D.
Kobler, 2000, "A Framework for the description of Evolutionary algorithms",
European J. of Operational Research 126, 1-12.
109. A. Hertz, M.
Mittaz, 2000, "Heuristic Algorithms", in Arc Routing: Theory,
Solutions, and Applications (edited by M. Dror), Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 327-386.
110. D. de Werra, A.
Hertz, D. Kobler, N.V.R: Mahadev, 2000, "Feasible
edge colorings of trees with cardinality constraints", Discrete
Mathematics 222, 61-72.
111. A. Hertz, 2000,
"On a transformation which preserves the stability number", Yugoslav
Journal of Operations Research 10/1, 1-12.
112. A. Hertz, G.
Laporte, M. Mittaz, 2000, "A Tabu Search Heuristic for the Capacitated Arc
Routing Problem", Operations Research 48, 129-135.
113. A. Hertz, V. Robert, V. Berthod, 2000, "Planification des emplois du temps et de la formation au sein d'une grande entreprise", RAIRO-Operations Research 34, 61-83.
114. A. Hertz, 1999,
"On perfect switching classes", Discrete Applied
Mathematics 94, 3-7.
115. J. Carlier, A.
Hertz, F. Maffray, M. Widmer, 1999, "Graphs and Optimization III Preface",
Discrete Applied Mathematics 94, 1.
116. J. Blazewicz,
A. Hertz, D. Kobler, D. de Werra, 1999, "On some
properties of DNA graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics 98,
117. P. Calegari, G.
Coray, A. Hertz, D. Kobler, P. Kuonen, 1999, "A
Taxonomy of Evolutionary Algorithms in Combinatorial Optimization",
Journal of Heuristics 5, 145-158.
118. S. Anily, J.
Bramel, A. Hertz, 1999, "A
5/3-approximation algorithm for the clustered traveling salesman tour and path
problems", Operations Research Letters 24, 29-35.
119. A. Hertz, G.
Laporte, P. Nanchen, 1999, "Improvement Procedure for the Undirected Rural
Postman Problem", INFORMS Journal on Computing 11, 53-62.
120. D. de Werra, A.
Hertz, 1999, "On Perfectness of Sums of Graphs", Discrete
Mathematics 195, 93-101.
121. M. Gendreau, A.
Hertz, G. Laporte, M. Stan, 1998, "A generalized insertion heuristic for
the traveling salesman problem with time windows", Operations Research 43,
122. A. Hertz, 1998,
"On perfect switching classes", Discrete Applied
Mathematics 89, 263-267.
123. A. Hertz, V.
Robert, 1998, "Constructing a course schedule by solving a series of
assignment problems", European J. of Operational Research 108,
124. A. Hertz, G.
Laporte, M. Mittaz, K.E. Stecke, 1998, "Heuristics for Minimizing Tool
Switches Over Time on a Flexible Machine", IIE Transactions 30/8, 689-694.
125. M. Gendreau, A.
Hertz, G. Laporte, 1997, "An approximation algorithm for the traveling
salesman problem with backhauls", Operations Research 45, 639-641.
126. D. Costa, A.
Hertz, 1997, "Ants can colour graphs", Journal of the Operational
Research Society 48, 295-305.
127. A. Hertz, 1997,
the use of Boolean methods for the computation of the stability number",
Discrete Applied Mathematics 76, 183-203.
128. J. Blazewicz,
J. Carlier, A. Hertz, M. Widmer, 1997, "Graphs and Optimization II : Preface",
Discrete Applied Mathematics 76, 1-2.
129. P. Hansen, A.
Hertz, N. Quinodoz, 1997, "Splitting
trees", Discrete Mathematics 165/166, 403-419.
130. A. Hertz, 1997,
"A Colourful Look on Evolutionary Techniques", Belgian Journal of
Operation Research 35, 23-39.
131. M. Gendreau, A.
Hertz, G. Laporte, 1996, "The Traveling Salesman Problem with
Backhauls", Computers & Operations Research 23, 501-508.
132. J. Ferland, A. Hertz, A. Lavoie, 1996, "An object oriented methodology for solving assignment type problems with neighborhood search techniques", Operations Research. 44/2, 347-359.
133. A. Hertz, Y.
Mottet, Y. Rochat, 1996, "On a scheduling problem in a robotized analytical system",
Discrete Applied Mathematics 65, 285-318.
134. A. Hertz, M.
Widmer, 1996, "An improved tabu search approach for solving the job shop
scheduling problem with tooling constraints", Discrete Applied
Mathematics 65, 319-346.
135. A. Hertz, M.
Queyranne, M. Widmer, 1996, "First Int. Colloq. on Graphs and Optimization (GO I) :
Discrete Applied Mathematics 65, 1-3.
136. D. de Werra, A.
Hertz, 1995, "A partial view of OR in
Switzerland", European J. of Operational Research 87, 471-473.
137. D. Costa, A.
Hertz, O. Dubuis, 1995, "Embedding of a sequential procedure within an
evolutionary algorithm for coloring problems in graphs", Journal of
Heuristics 1, 105-128.
138. A. Hertz, M. Widmer, 1995, "La méthode tabou appliquée aux problèmes d'ordonnancement", RAIRO- Automatique, Productique, Informatique Industrielle (Automatic Control Production Systems) 29/4 and 5, 353-378.
139. A. Hertz, 1995,
“ Polynomially Solvable
Cases for the Maximum Stable Set Problem”, Discrete Applied
Mathematics 60, 195-210.
140. M. Gendreau, A.
Hertz, G. Laporte, 1994, "A Tabu Search Heuristic for the Vehicle Routing
Problem", Management Science 40/10, 1276-1290.
141. A. Hertz, B.
Jaumard, C.C. Ribeiro, W.P. Formosinho Filho, 1994, "A Multi- Criteria
Tabu Search Approach to Cell Formation Problems in Group Technology with
Multiple Objectives", RAIRO/Recherche Opérationnelle 28/3, 303-328.
142. A. Hertz, 1994,
"A new polynomial time algorithm for the maximum weighted (c(G)-1)-coloring problem in comparability
graphs", Mathematical Systems Theory 27, 357-363.
143. A. Hertz, B.
Jaumard, C.C. Ribeiro, 1994, "A Graph Theory Approach
to Subcontracting, Machine Duplication and Intercell Moves in Cellular
Manufacturing", Discrete Applied Mathematics 50, 255-265.
144. M. Gendreau, A.
Hertz, G. Laporte, 1994, "A generalized insertion algorithm for the
seriation problem", Mathematical Comput. Modelling 19/9, 53-59.
145. A. Hertz, B.
Jaumard, M. Poggi de Aragao, 1994, "Local Optima Topology
for the k- Coloring Problem", Discrete Applied Mathematics 49,
146. A. Hertz, 1993,
"Most unbreakable murky graphs are bull-free", Graphs and
Combinatorics 9, 173-175.
147. P. Hansen, A.
Hertz, J. Kuplinsky, 1993, "Bounded Vertex Colorings
of Graphs", Discrete Mathematics 111, 305-312.
148. A. Hertz, D. de
Werra, 1993, "On the stability number of AH-free graphs", Journal of
Graph Theory 17/1, 53-63.
149. M. Gendreau, A.
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