Publications scientifiques
6211 résultats — page 601 de 622
jan. 2004
Sensitivity analysis in DEA
, , et
Eds Cooper, WW, Seford, LM & Zhu, J, DEA Handbook, 2004
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jan. 2004
Exact solution of three nonconvex quadratic programming problems
, et
C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds.), Frontiers in Global Optimization, Series Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 74, Kluwer Academic Publication, 25–43, 2004
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jan. 2004
Book Review: Randolph W. Hall (editor) Handbook of transportation science, Second edition, International Series in Operations Research and Management Science 56, Kluwer, Dordrecht 2003
Operations Research Letters, 32, 394–397, 2004
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jan. 2004
Variable neighborhood search for the maximum clique
, et
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 145, 117–125, 2004
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jan. 2004
Accounting for losses in the optimization of production of hydroplants
, et
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 19(2), 346–351, 2004
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jan. 2004
Large scale convex optimization methods for air quality policy
, , et
Automatica, 40(3), 385–395, 2004
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jan. 2004
Generalized pattern searches with derivative information
, et
Mathematical Programming, 100(1), 3–25, 2004
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jan. 2004
Empirical processes based on pseudo-observations II: The multivariate case
Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics, Fields Institute Communications Series, 44, American Mathematical Society, 381–406, 2004
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jan. 2004
Discussion of: A conditional approach for multivariate extreme values
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 66(3), 536–537, 2004
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jan. 2004
Models and algorithms for the dynamic-demand joint replenishment problem
, et
International Journal of Production Research, 42(13), 2667–2678, 2004
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