Publications scientifiques
6211 résultats — page 589 de 622
jan. 2005
Airline fleet assignment with homogeneity
, , , et
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2005
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jan. 2005
Efficiency of Bertrand and Cournot: A two stage game
Dynamic Games: Theory and Applications, 161–173, 2005
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jan. 2005
Physical aggression during infancy and onset of male conduct disorder
, , , , et
Eds Koops, W, Slot, NW & Loeber, R, A developmental approach of antisocial behavior, Abingdon, UK : Psychology Press, 2005
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jan. 2005
Stochastic mixed H2/H1 control of time-varying delay systems
Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 2005
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jan. 2005
Short-haul routing
, , et
Eds Barnhart, C, Laporte, G, Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2005
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jan. 2005
Optimal guaranteed cost control of uncertain discrete-time systems
, , et
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2005
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jan. 2005
Conditions for the validity of F-ratio tests for treatment and carryover effects in crossover designs
Eds Bruno Rémillard et Pierre Duchesne, Statistical Modeling and Analysis for Complex Data Problems, 4, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005
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jan. 2005
Daily operation of reservoir subject to yearly probabilistic constraints
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 131(5), 1–9, 2005
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jan. 2005
Filtering of images for detecting multiple targets trajectories
, et
Eds P Duchesne et B Rémillard, Statistical Modeling and Analysis for Complex Data Problems, Springer, 267–280, 2005
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jan. 2005
Linking climate and economic dynamics
, , et
Haurie, A & Viguier, L, The Coupling of Climate and Economic Dynamics, 1, 1–33, 2005
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