Alain Hertz


Cahiers du GERAD

114 résultats — page 2 de 6


Given a directed graph \(G=(V,A)\), capacity and cost functions on \(A\), a root \(r\), a subset \(T \subset V\) of terminals, and an integer \(k\)...

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Most papers on digital advertising focus on the point of view of Internet companies such as Google and Microsoft, and were written by people working for thos...

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We consider the problems of determining the metric dimension and the minimum cardinality of doubly resolving sets in \(n\)-cubes. Most heuristics develope...

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Nous donnons des conditions nécessaires et suffisante pour l'existence d'un graphe simple, ou d'un graphe connexe simple, ayant des nombres donnés `(m_{ij}...

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This article discusses the problem of unloading a sequence of boxes from a single conveyor line with a minimum number of moves. The problem under study is ef...

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Étant donné un graphe \(G\) complet, orienté, avec des poids sur les sommets et les arcs, une \(k\)-coloration \(\theta\)-impropre de \(G\) est une...

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Le problème de la détermination du plus grand sous-graphe \(k\)-colorable (\(k\)-MCSP) consiste à colorer autant de sommets que possible avec au plus `...

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Dans cet article nous étudions le problème de concevoir un réseau de collecte pour un parc éolien, dans le cas où la localisation des turbines et des câble...

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Given a graph \(G=(V,E)\) with a root \(r\in V\), positive capacities \(\{c(e) | e\in E\}\), and non-negative lengths \(\{\ell(e) | e\in E\}\), the m...

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This paper addresses the problem of minimizing the number of moves to unload a set of boxes off a gravity conveyor by a forklift. If the input data is known ...

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An edge-coloring of a graph \(G=(V,E)\) is a function \(c\) that assigns an integer \(c(e)\) (called color) in \(\{0,1,2,\dotsc\}\) to every edge `(...

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In recent years, a growing interest has been observed in research on RNA (ribonucleic acid), primarily due to the discovery of the role of RNA molecules in ...

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Écrire un texte de qualité est un processus complexe. Plusieurs domaines d'études se penchent sur les possibilités d'analyse des pratiques d'écriture des bon...

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Given a complete directed graph \(G\) with weights on the vertices and on the arcs, a \(\theta\)-improper \(k\)-coloring is an assignment of at most `...

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An induced matching M in a graph G is dominating if every edge not in M shares exactly one vertex with an edge in M. The **dominating induced matchin...

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In the present paper, we are interested in bounding differences between graph invariants as well as in characterizing the corresponding extremal graphs. This...

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Deux colorations des sommets d'un graphe sont dites équivalentes si elles correspondent à la même partition de l'ensemble des sommets en classes de couleurs....

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Until recently, graph coloring being a computationally difficult problem, completely dynamic channel allocation was not considered in large scale networks. T...

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Une coloration des arêtes d'un graphe \(G\) est une fonction qui attribue un entier (appelé couleur) à chaque arête de \(G\) de telle sorte que les arête...

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L'algorithme RLF (Recursive Largest First) est l'un des plus populaires parmi les heuristiques gloutonnes pour le problème de la coloration des sommets d'un ...

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