Scientific Publications
6118 results — page 600 of 612
Jan 2003
Stochastic output-feedback of uncertain time-delay systems with saturating actuators
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 118(2), 255–273, 2003
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Jan 2003
Temporal modulation visual fields, normal aging, Parkinson's disease and methyl-mercury in the James Bay Cree; a feasibility study
Brazilian Arquives of Ophthalmology, 66, 77–91, 2003
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Jan 2003
The dial-a-ride problem (DARP): Variants, modeling issues and algorithms
4OR: Quarterly Journal of the Belgian, French and Italian Operations Research Societies , 1, 89–101, 2003
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Jan 2003
GALAHAD: a library of thread-safe Fortran 90 packages for large-scale nonlinear optimization
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ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 29(4), 2003
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Jan 2003
Robust linear control: The state space approach
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Jan 2003
Pricing discretely monitored barrier options by a Markov chain
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Journal of Derivatives, 10(4), 9–32, 2003
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Jan 2003
A note on the smallest eigenvalue of fullerenes
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MATCH, Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 48, 37–48, 2003
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Jan 2003
Shaping self-similar traffic at access of optical network
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Performance Evaluation Journal, 53(3-4), 145–296, 2003
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Jan 2003
A bilevel modeling approach to pricing and fare optimization in the airline industry
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The Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 2, 23–36, 2003
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Jan 2003
Solving a home-care districting problem in an urban setting
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Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54(11), 1141–1147, 2003
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