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A GERAD member passed away - Kathryn Brenda MacGibbon

Brenda MacGibbon

Kathryn Brenda MacGibbon
July 31, 1944 – October 7, 2022

We learned with regret of the death of Kathryn Brenda MacGibbon, a member of GERAD for over 25 years and a retired professor in the Department of Mathematics at UQAM.

She led a significant and fruitful professional life as a statistician having been introduced to the field by Larry Brown at Cornell, where she met her lifelong friends and collaborators Susan Groshen and Iain Johnstone. She was recognized as an IMS Fellow. She taught for many years at Concordia University and then at UQAM, and aided many students to find their way and to start their careers.

Regarding the funeral that will take place on October 13th. You will find the details here.

edited Nov 7, 2022 08:45 AM