Canada Research Chair in Integrated Logistics
Research involves
Using and creating state-of-the-art tools to help industry perform better in logistics.
Research relevance
This research will lead to the development of integrated applied tools for industry to improve logistics performance, reduce costs and become more sustainable.

Coelho, Leandro C.Full Professor, Department of Operations and Decision Systems, Université Laval
Delivery, a north-coastal problem. Interview with Leandro Coelho, professor and holder of the Canada Research Chair in Integrated Logistics at Laval University in Le Nord-Côtier.
Canadian imports of Russian nickel are exploding. Interview with Leandro Coelho, professor and holder of the Canada Research Chair in Integrated Logistics at Laval University in the newspaper Les affaires.
FSA ULavaL continuing education: logistics and sustainable transport. Interview with Leandro Coelho, professor and holder of the Canada Research Chair in Integrated Logistics at Laval University in the newspaper Le Soleil.
Leandro C. Coelho