Scientific Publications

6022 results — page 588 of 603

Lower bounds for estimating a hazard
Eds Balakrishnan, N and Rao, CR, Handbook of Statistics, 23, 209–226, 2004 BibTeX reference
A bilevel programming approach to the traveling salesman problem
, , and
Operations Research Letters, 32(3), 240–248, 2004 BibTeX reference
Tests of independence and randomness based on the empirical copula process
TEST, 13(2), 335–369, 2004 BibTeX reference
Differential games in marketing
International Series in Quantitative Marketing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004 BibTeX reference
Improved Tabu search algorithm for the handling of route duration constraints in vehicle-routing problems with time windows
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Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(5), 542–546, 2004 BibTeX reference
Unreliable transfer lines - Decomposition/aggregation and optimization
Annals of Operations Research, 125(38356), 167–190, 2004 BibTeX reference
The multi-source Weber problem with constant opening cost
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Journal of Operational Research Society, 55, 640–646, 2004 BibTeX reference
Decomposition/aggregation-based dynamic-programming optimization of partially homogeneous unreliable transfer lines
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 49(1), 68–81, 2004 BibTeX reference
Wheelchair skills training program for clinicians: A randomized controlled trial of safety and efficacy among occupational therapy students
, , , , , , , and
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 85, 1160–1167, 2004 BibTeX reference
Modeling daily arrivals to a relephone call center
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Management Science, 50(7), 896–908, 2004 BibTeX reference