Full team: E.M. Er Raqabi, I. Himmich, A. Beljadid, M.A. Bennouna, R. Bennouna, S-E. Boumahdi, L. Boussaadi, N. El Hachemi, I. El Hallaoui, M. Fender, H. Guellaf, A. Jamali, E.M. Mahboubi, A. Metrane, I. Rakhis, N. Si Hammou, F. Soumis.
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A GERAD team finalist for the IFORS Prize for OR in development 2023

The final will take place during the 23rd IFORS Triennial Conference from July 10-14, 2023 in Santiago, Chile. The team of professors Issmail El Hallaoui and François Soumis is one of the six finalists with their project "OCP Optimizes its Supply Chain for Africa". The country represented is Morocco and their Moroccan partners are the OCP Group and the UM6P university. This project is part of the Ph.D. research topic of El Mehdi Er Raqabi.
We should also underline the very important role of Ahmed Beljadid in this project.