Yossiri Adulyasak
Cahiers du GERAD
Planners in different industries use optimization software for decision-making. In numerous practical applications, these optimization tools are often not re...
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The routing-and-driving problem for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) is an extension of the vehicle routing problem with time windows, where routing ...
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This paper presents a partial outsourcing strategy for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands (VRPSD), and routing reoptimization is considered ...
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Yield uncertainty is an important issue in various industries such as agriculture, food, and textile where the production output is reliant on uncontrollable...
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Inventory management for slow-moving items is challenging due to their high intermittence and lumpiness. Recent developments in machine learning and computat...
BibTeX referenceThe heterogeneous-fleet electric vehicle routing problem with nonlinear charging functions
This paper introduces the Heterogeneous-Fleet Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Nonlinear Charging Functions (HEVRP-NL). This problem involves routing a ...
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We study the integration of multi-period assignment, routing, and scheduling of care workers for home health care services. In such a context, it is importa...
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Two-stage stochastic programs are a class of stochastic problems where uncertainty is discretized into scenarios, making them amenable to solution approaches...
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This paper investigates a variant of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) with speed optimization for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), simultaneousl...
BibTeX referenceFacility location with a modular capacity under demand uncertainty: An industrial case study
We investigate a facility location problem with modular capacity under demand uncertainty arising at Hydro-Québec, the largest public utility in Canada. We p...
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Seaports are highly vulnerable to climate-change induced events, which makes it necessary for them to invest in climate change adaptation measures to ensure ...
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The procurement of freight services is an important element for the supply chain management of a shipper (i.e., a manufacturer or retailer) that sources tran...
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Production yield can be highly volatile and uncertain, especially in industries where exogenous and environmental factors such as the climate or raw material...
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Binary quadratic programming (BQP) is a class of combinatorial optimization problems comprising binary variables, quadratic objective functions and linear/no...
BibTeX referenceVessel service planning in seaports
Berth allocation and pilotage planning are the two most important decisions made by a seaport for serving incoming vessels. Traditionally, the berth allocati...
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Scholars and practitioners have long recognised the importance of data-driven operations and supply chain management (OSCM), which typically centres on produ...
BibTeX referenceStochastic dual dynamic programming for multi-echelon lot-sizing with component substitution
This work investigates lot-sizing with component substitution under demand uncertainty. The integration of component substitution with lot-sizing in an uncer...
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This paper studies the team orienteering problem, where the arrival time and service time affect the collection of profits. Such interactions result in a non...
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We propose a generalized decomposition approach for production planning problems with process configuration decisions. These problems appear in contexts wher...
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Dealing with demand uncertainty in multi-item lot sizing problems poses huge challenges due to the inherent complexity. The resulting stochastic formulation...
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Significant progress has been made in the field of computer vision, due to the development of supervised machine learning algorithms, which efficiently extra...
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Facility networks can be disrupted by, for example, power outages, poor weather conditions, or natural disasters, and the probabilities of these events may b...
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We study an integrated process configuration, lot-sizing, and scheduling problem, which appears in a real production environment in the packaging industry. P...
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Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation solved by Column Generation is an approach to obtain improved bounds for Mixed Integer Programs. A downside of this approach is t...
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The production routing problem (PRP) concerns the production and distribution of a single product from a production plant to multiple customers using capacit...
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The inventory routing problem (IRP) and the production routing problem (PRP) are two difficult problems arising in the planning of integrated supply chains...
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Operational problems arising in the planning of integrated supply chains have been increasingly studied in the past decade. Among these, the production rout...
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