Wei Qi
Associated member, GERAD

Other titles and affiliations
I am currently working as an assistant professor at the Desautels Faculty of Management. Prior to that, I spent eight years in California, where I obtained a Master’s degree from UCLA’s Department of Chemical Engineering, a PhD degree from UC Berkeley’s Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, and then as a postdoc researcher at the China Energy Group at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
My current research focuses on Smart-City Analytics and Operations Management, that is, I strive to expand the scope of the operations management (OM) field to cities. My research prescribes operations and planning strategies for emerging techno-economic paradigms, using model-based and data-driven approaches. I try to employ and advance methodologies of network optimization, data-driven decision making, and algorithm design for combinatorial optimization. The areas of application of my research lie at the intersection of energy, transportation and supply chain management. In particular, my work addresses the challenges that governments and businesses worldwide face in pushing citywide adoption of shared and electrified mobility, transactive energy, renewable energy, etc.
I am excited about the strong Operations Research (OR) expertise that GERAD members possess as well as their solid contributions to the entire OR/OM field. I look forward to expanding my collaborations with GERAD colleagues to produce more interesting models, algorithms and insights towards a smart-city future.
Member of GERAD since September 2019
Research Axes
Research Applications
Wednesday March 02, 2022 at 9h00
Thesis title: A Robust Integration of Demand Response into Smart Grid's Capacity Expansion Planning: Considering the Uncertainty of Electric Vehicle's Charging Behavior
Congratulations to the teams selected to lead new fundamental research projects!
Wei Qi – Associate Professor, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University