Pierre Hansen
Member, GERAD

Tenured researcher, Department of Decision Sciences, HEC Montréal
Other titles and affiliations
Pierre Hansen, celebrated his 80th birthday in late March 2020. Pierre Hansen has been a member of GERAD since the early 1990s, when he joined the faculty of HEC Montréal. He was also director of GERAD from 1996 to 2001. Since 2004, he holds the Data Mining Chair at HEC Montréal. Pierre Hansen’s work focuses on several themes, in particular metaheuristics (including the so-called Variable Neighborhood Search approach), non-convex quadratic programming, mathematical chemistry and computer-assisted scientific discovery. In addition, his work can be applied to many disciplines and thus presents a remarkable multidisciplinary character. Finally, his work is widely cited: Pierre Hansen has accumulated nearly 38,300 citations in his career with an h-index of 86, according to Google Scholar. His scientific excellence has earned him numerous recognitions, including the 1986 EURO Gold Medal and the 2013 HEC Montréal Grand Prize for Research. He is also a member of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry and the Royal Society of Canada. GERAD is therefore particularly proud to count such a researcher among its members.
Research Axes
Research Applications
We learned with regret of the death of Pierre Hansen, a member of GERAD for over 35 years and tenured researcher in the Department of Decision Sciences of HEC Montréal. He was also GERAD director from 1996 to 2001.
Several GERAD researchers appear in a ranking of research citations updated in September 2024 and published on the Mendeley website, a search tool belonging to Elsevier, the Dutch scientific publisher.
Research.com, a leading academic platform for researchers, released in November 2023 the 3rd edition of its ranking of the top 1000 scientists in several fields.
Prizes and awards
Data Mining Chair
Professor among the top scientists in the fields of mathematics and computer science
Professor among the world’s most influential researchers in 2020 and in career
Professor among the world’s most influential researchers in 2019 and in career
Certificate of recognition
3 000 citations on Google Scholar
article "Variable Neighborhood Search"Highly cited papers from 2014 to 2016
"Two Laplacians for the distance matrix of a graph"Pierre Laurin Award
Pierre Laurin Award
Jacques-Rousseau Acfas Award
Elected member
Pierre Laurin Research Award
Elected Fellow
Award Merit
Pierre Laurin Research Award
Editorial Boards & Comittees
Associate Editor
- Springer LNCS volume of the proceedings of the 9th International Conference ICVNS, 2022
- The Open Operational Research Journal, 2008–...
- Computer Science and Information Systems, 2005–...
- Journal of Heuristics, 1995–...
- RAIRO – Recherche Opérationnelle, 1991–... (Editor 1986–1990).
- Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 2007–2013.
- TOP, 2007–2012.
- European Journal of Operational Research, 1999–2010.
- IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, 1998–2000.
- Journal of Classification, 06/2008–... (and 1994-2000)
- International Game Theory Review, 1998–...
- YUJOR, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 1991–...
- Annals of Operations Research, 1984–...
- Discrete Applied Mathematics, 1979–...
- International Journal of Metaheuristics, 2009–2012.
- Optimization Letters, 2006–2012.
- Journal of Global Optimization, 1990–2012.
- MATCH, Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 2004–2008.
- Cahiers du Centre d'Études de Recherche Opérationnelle, 1986–1996.
- Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 1990–1994.
- Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 1975–1983.
Area Editor
- Networks of Applied Statistics and Data Analysis, 1985.