Gilbert Laporte
Member, GERAD

Professor Emeritus, Department of Decision Sciences, HEC Montréal
Gilbert Laporte is Professor Emeritus at HEC Montréal. He obtained his Ph.D. in Operational Research at the London School of Economics in 1975. He was Professor of Operational Research at HEC Montréal and Canada Research Chair in Distribution Management until August 2020. He is now Professor at the School of Management of the University of Bath, United Kingdom, and Professor II at Molde University College, Norway. He is also Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of Liverpool, and Distinguished Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology. He is a member of the Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT) and founding member of the Group for Research in Decision Analysis (GERAD). He has been Editor of Transportation Science, Computers & Operations Research and INFOR. He has authored or coauthored more than 20 books and 600 scientific articles in combinatorial optimization, mostly in the areas of vehicle routing, location, districting and timetabling.
Research Axes
Research Applications
Several GERAD researchers appear in a ranking of research citations updated in September 2024 and published on the Mendeley website, a search tool belonging to Elsevier, the Dutch scientific publisher., a leading academic platform for researchers, released in November 2023 the 3rd edition of its ranking of the top 1000 scientists in several fields.
Several GERAD researchers appear in a ranking of research citations updated in October 2023 and published on the Mendeley website, a search tool belonging to Elsevier, the Dutch scientific publisher.
Selene Silvestri – MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, MIT Intelligent Logistics Systems Lab
Prizes and awards
Canada Research Chair in Distribution Management
Editor’s Award for Excellence in Reviewing
Best applied contribution in Operations Research
For the article "A Cost-Sharing Mechanism for Multi-Country Partnerships in Disaster Preparedness", J. Rodríguez-Pereira, B. Balçik, M.-È. Rancourt and G. LaporteDoctorate honoris causa
Knight of the Ordre National du Québec
Elected Fellow
Goodeve Medal 2022 for the best paper published in the Journal of the Operational Research Society in 2021
Bruno, G., Cavola, M., Diglio, A., Laporte, G., Piccolo, C., “Reorganizing Postal Collections in Urban Areas as a Result of Declining Mail Volumes – A Case Study in Bologna, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72, 1591-1606, 2021.Professor among the top scientists in the fields of mathematics and computer science
Facility Logistics Publication Award
for the article: Schiffer, M., Boysen, N., Klein, P.S., Laporte, G., Pavone, M., "Optimal Picking Policies in E-Commerce Warehouses", Management Science, 68, 1-21, 2022.Euro Gold Medal
Best applied contribution in Operations Research
For the article "Optimizing Access to 5 Drinking Water in Remote Areas. Application to Nepal", G. Laporte, M.-È. Rancourt, J. Rodríguez-Pereira, S. SilvestriBest Editor Award
Transportation Science Meritorious Service Award
Professor among the world’s most influential researchers in 2020 and in career
Honorary doctorate
Professor Emeritus
Prix Killam
Roger-Charbonneau Award
Professor among the world’s most influential researchers in 2019 and in career
Honorary Professor
Emeritus Member
Elected as an international member
Member of the Order of Canada
Marie-Victorin award
Honorary doctorate
Named the world’s most influential author in operations research/management science
Prize of Excellence
Editors' Choice Articles
Heuristics for dynamic and stochastic inventory-routing'', Computers & Operations Research, 52, part A, 55-67, 2014 (with J.-F. Cordeau and L. Coelho)First Practice Prize
Urgel-Archambault Prize
Honorary doctorate
Lifetime Achievement in Location Analysis Award
Elected member
Editorial Boards & Comittees
- 2003-2006, Computers & Operations Research
- 1995-2002, Transportation Science
- 1987-1992, INFOR: Information Science and Operational Research
Associate Editor
- Operations Research
- Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
- Networks
- Naval Research Logistics
- Journal of the Operational Research Society
- INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research
- Decision Analytics
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board
- Transportation Science
Member of the Editorial Board
- Computers & Operations Research
- European Journal of Operational Research
- EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics
- EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
- Pesquisa Operacional
- Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
- European Journal of Industrial Engineering
- International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
- Communications in Transport Research
- Operations Research Perspectives
- Frontiers of Engineering Management
- Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain
- Supply Chain Analytics