3132 results — page 149 of 157

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Part-orienting systems are employed in many manufacturing environments to feed work parts in correct orientation for proper operations. A part-orienting sys...

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Many problems of globally optimal design have been solved by using monotonicity analysis. New monotonicity principles are obtained by exploiting non strict ...

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Scheduling methods are proposed for a class of flexible manufacturing systems consisting of machine centers served by a cyclic conveyor. The minimization of...

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Ordered sequential algorithms for the global minimization of univariate functions over an interval proceed by evaluating this function at successive points c...

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The production scheduling problem considered in this paper is related to the planning of operations of a flexible manufacturing cell composed of a punch pres...

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Consider N entities to be classified, and a matrix of diffimilarities between pairs of them. The split of a cluster is the smallest dissimilarity between an...

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We consider a queue-like job shop in which a single resource (such as an operator, a robot, etc.) loads jobs onto machines. Jobs arrive at a station at know...

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We propose a measure of the reliability of a telecommunication network based on the expected value of the lost call traffic due to failures in the network. ...

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This paper describes a family of stochastic location-routing problems which consist of simultaneously locating a depot among a set of potential sites, of det...

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In the class of piecewise deterministic systems such as presented by Richel [1975b], [1975c], one considers continuous-time systems disturbed by a jump proce...

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A decomposition method is proposed for minimizing quadratic pseudoboolean functions. The result is: minimum of <i>f</i> = &#x2211;<sup>p</sup><sub><i>i</i>=...

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Nous analysons dans cette thèse le marché européen du gaz naturel et les échanges d'électricité entre réseaux interconnectés dans le cadre de la théorie des ...

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This note deals with the concept of stochastic equilibrium-programming <i>SEP</i> which has recently been proposed for the modeling of imperfect competition ...

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The urban transit crew scheduling problem arises in mass transit corporations who have to create minimal cost bus driver schedule respecting both the collect...

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In the analysis of discrete event systems, we need to consider sequences and/or matrices of elements in a given numerical set <i>D</i> (&#x2115;, Z, Q or &#x...

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This paper deals with an infinite-horizon discrete-event dynamic programming model with discounting, and with Borel state and action spaces. Instead of the ...

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Ce mémoire présente les résultats d'une étude exploratoire sur la gestion du marketing dans les entreprises de transport routier au Canada.</p>


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Old and new algorithms for the Maximum Satisfiability problem are studied. We first summarize the different heuristics previously proposed, i.e. the approxi...

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In this paper, I give a counterexample to the closedness property of the set of possible current production vectors <i>Y<sub>f</sub></i> which is used by J....

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Energy problems began a few years ago to receive proper treatment, but they are still most of the time dealt with from the supply side. The present research...

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