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The offices of CIRRELT and GERAD are located in the André-Aisenstadt building of the university of Montreal campus.

The available WiFi in the building are:

  • Eduroam. Accessible to anyone whose university is member of eduroam (EDUcationROAMing).
  • Udem-visiteurs. A free wireless network for visitors on all UdeM campuses. It provides Internet access for one day.
  • UdeM avec cryptage. Available to employees and students of the university of Montreal only.

In most cases, you'll have to use eduroam. To connect, make sure that your university or research center is an eduroam member. If you're not sure, contact your IT support or you can search on the Eduroam website.

To configure eduroam access, you'll also need help from the IT department of your institution to get the correct procedure. Each university has a different way to connect to the network. You can also check the CAT database to see if it already has automated configuration available for your university.