

Using Local Search to Speed Up Filtering Algorithms for Some NP-Hard Constraints

, , et

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This paper proposes to use local search inside filtering algorithms of combinatorial structures for which achieving a desired level of consistency is too computationally expensive. Local search quickly provides supports for many variable-value pairs, thus reducing the effort required to check and potentially filter the rest of them. The idea is demonstrated on the SomeDifferent constraint, a graph coloring substructure. An experimental evaluation confirms its significant computational gain in many cases.

, 18 pages

Axe de recherche


Using local search to speed up filtering algorithms for some NP-Hard constraints
, , et
Annals of Operations Research, 184(1), 121–135, 2011 référence BibTeX
Using local search to speed up filtering algorithms for some NP-hard constraints
, , et
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5015, 298–302, 2008 référence BibTeX