
14 fév. 201909h30 — 10h30 Séminaire du GERAD Mark Broom

Modelling evolution in structured populations involving multiplayer games

8 fév. 201910h45 — 12h00 Séminaire du GERAD Miles Lubin

Polyhedral approaches for mixed-integer convex optimization

7 fév. 201911h00 — 12h00 Séminaire du GERAD Alessandra Buratto

Consignment contracts with cooperative programs and price discount mechanisms in a dynamic supply chain

1 fév. 201911h00 — 12h00 Séminaire informel de théorie des systèmes (ISS) Levon Nurbekyan

Fourier approximation methods for nonlocal mean-field games

30 jan. 201915h30 — 16h30 Séminaire “Un(e) chercheur(-euse) du GERAD vous parle!” Gonzalo Munoz

New cutting plane approaches for non-convex optimization problems

24 jan. 201915h00 — 16h00 Séminaire du GERAD Ana Viana

Integer programming formulations for the k-way (strongly) stable exchange problem

16 jan. 201914h00 — 15h00 Séminaire du GERAD Claunir Pavan

Elastic optical transport network engineering problems: Which is the suitable network topology?