Activités Catégories Toutes Séminaires Congrès Ateliers Écoles Colloques 11 nov. 202411h00 — 12h00 Séminaire du GERAD Sibel Alumur Alev Locating Facilities for Smart and Sustainable Mobility 5 nov. 202410h00 — 11h00 Séminaire du GERAD Yi Ren Two-player zero-sum differential games with one-sided information and state constraints, aka Football 30 oct. 202411h00 — 12h00 Séminaire du GERAD Sébastien Le Digabel Séminaire Sébastien Le Digabel 24 sept. 202413h30 — 14h30 Séminaire du GERAD Lars Jaeger A Branch-and-Price-Algorithm for Tactical Maintenance Planning for Rotor Blades on Onshore Wind Turbines 25 juin 202411h00 — 12h00 Séminaire du GERAD Utsav Sadana Data-driven decision making with entropic risk measure 4 juin 202411h00 — 12h00 Séminaire du GERAD Cedric Langbort A Strategic Information Transmission View of the "Misinformation Epidemics" 3 juin 202411h00 — 12h00 Séminaire du GERAD Bowen Yi Equivalence Between Contraction and Koopman Approaches, and Its Application in Nonlinear System Identification 28 mai 202411h00 — 12h00 Séminaire du GERAD Serdar Yüksel Stochastic Control with Partial Information: Regularity, Optimality, Approximations, and Learning 22 mai 202411h00 — 12h00 Séminaire du GERAD Shuang Gao Large Network-Coupled Mean Field Games and the Associated Network Centralities 15 mai 202411h00 — 12h00 Séminaire du GERAD Maryam Daryalal Large-scale optimization methods for logical reasoning: A novel perspective 11 avr. 202411h00 — 12h00 Séminaire du GERAD Michel Grabisch On the design of public debate in social networks 13 mars 202411h00 — 12h00 Séminaire du GERAD Qimeng (Kim) Yu Strong valid inequalities for a class of concave submodular minimization problems under cardinality constraints