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Séminaire sur les jeux dynamiques et les applications

Status Concern and Environmental Awareness in a Common Access Resource Game with Heterogeneous Agents


19 sept. 2024   11h00 — 12h00

Jesús Marín Solano Universitat de Barcelona, Espagne

Jesús Marín Solano

Séminaire en format hybride au GERAD local 4488 ou Zoom.

In an international context, countries and firms are concerned not only with their consumption/extraction levels of a natural resource. They may also consider their relative position compared to other actors. To understand these consequences, previous work in the literature has studied how agents with status concern (such as e.g., output-based and profit-based status) extract or transform a common pool renewable resource. In this paper, we also introduce the possibility that one (or both) agents care about the quantity of the natural resource. This could be the result of several facts. First, the agents might value the own existence of the resource, for ecological or reputational reasons (environmental awareness). Alternatively, a country could benefit economically (e.g. through tourism) from the existence of the resource. Finally, we examine the effects of asymmetries between agents. (With Carles Mañó-Cabello and Jorge Navas)

Georges Zaccour responsable


Activité hybride au GERAD
Zoom et salle 4488
Pavillon André-Aisenstadt
Campus de l'Université de Montréal
2920, chemin de la Tour

Montréal Québec H3T 1J4

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