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Séminaire sur les jeux dynamiques et les applications
Facilitating power markets integration: A cooperative game with externalities approach
Sébastien Debia – HEC Montréal, Canada
Regional integration can significantly reduce the cost of power system decarbonization. The different regions must however first reach an agreement on how to share the gains from integration. Network expansion entails network externalities that impede the negotiation process. I use the framework of cooperative game with externalities to analyze the outcomes of new interconnections in the US-Canada Northeast region. The allocation of the congestion rent is both problematic and critical for reaching an agreement. Integrating local capacity mechanisms to take into account power flow on interconnection greatly helps to resolve that issue.

Georges Zaccour
Activité hybride au GERAD
Zoom et salle 4488
Pavillon André-Aisenstadt
Campus de l'Université de Montréal
2920, chemin de la Tour
Montréal Québec H3T 1J4
Pavillon André-Aisenstadt
Campus de l'Université de Montréal
2920, chemin de la Tour
Montréal Québec H3T 1J4