Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Mineral Resource Development and Optimization Under Uncertainty
Research involves
Developing new, risk-based modelling technologies for holistic mine planning, design, and production scheduling founded upon stochastic modelling, and optimization.
Research relevance
The research is contributing to sustainable mineral resource development by developing, testing, and practicing advanced and improved decision-making tools for planning mines and extracting resources.

Dimitrakopoulos, RoussosFull Professor, Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University
514 398-4986
Sep 9, 2022
Roussos Dimitrakpoulos, member of GERAD and Full Professor at the Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, has been elected fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He will be welcomed into this select group at the induction and awards ceremony on November 25, 2022.
Apr 24, 202411:00 AM — 12:00 PM
“Meet a GERAD researcher!” seminar
Yassine Yaakoubi – McGill University
Yassine Yaakoubi – McGill University
Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Mineral Resource Development and Optimization Under Uncertainty
Hybrid activity at GERAD