GERAD Newsletter: Spring 2019
- Spotlights on ... - Projects to strengthen collaboration: report from the outgoing director
- Collaborations - Canada research Chair program in Supply Chain Analytics
- Impact papers - Boris N. Oreshkin, Nazim Regnard, and Pierre L’Ecuyer win the INFORMS Outstanding Simulation Publication Award
- Who are they? - Hugues Delmaire, Marco Lübbecke
- Postdoctoral fellows - Elizaveta Kuznetsova, Linda Mhalla, Chun Peng, Borzou Rostami
- Where are they now? - Jean-François Bégin, Ibrahim Chamseddine, Loïc Sarrazin McCann
- GERAD news brief
Vol16_No1_2019_WEB.pdf (5 MB)