Sarah Ben Amor Associated member, GERAD share Associate Professor, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa Phone: 613-562-5800 x 4909 Research Axes Axis 1: Data valuation for decision making Axis 3: Decision support made under uncertainty Research Applications Energy, environment and natural resources Health Publications Aug 2024 Hip and Knee Total Joint Arthroplasty Online Resources for Patients and Health Care Professionals: A Canadian Environmental Scan Lissa Pacheco-Brousseau, Stéphane Poitras, Sarah Ben Amor, François Desmeules, Alda Kiss, and Dawn Stacey Physiotherapy Canada, 76(3), 269–281, 2024 BibTeX reference Jul 2023 Instruments to assess appropriateness of hip and knee arthroplasty: a systematic review Lissa Pacheco-Brousseau, Dawn Stacey, François Desmeules, Sarah Ben Amor, D. Lambert, E. Tanguay, A. Hillaby, C. Bechiau, M. Charette, and Stéphane Poitras Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 31(7), 847–864, 2023 BibTeX reference Jun 2023 Multi-criteria classification, sorting, and clustering: a bibliometric review and research agenda Sarah Ben Amor, Fateh Belaid, Ramzi Benkraiem, Boumediene Ramdani, and Khaled Guesmi Annals of Operations Research, 325, 771–793, 2023 BibTeX reference 37 publications Editorial Boards & Comittees Member of the Editorial Board of the _Discover Analytics _journal, since 2023 Associate Editor, Omega - The International Journal of Management Science, since 2021 Co-editor of the volume Advanced Studies in Multiple Criteria Decision Making/Aiding, CRC Press, 2017-2019 Main Guest Editor of the special issue: MCDM for Sustainable Decisions in the Annals of Operations Research journal, 2017-2019 Supervision Ali Aftabdari Ph.D. Javid Zare Master's degree Betania Campello Ph.D. Ghazaleh Hassanzadeh Master's degree Roshanak Mahdavi Master's degree Renata Pelissari Ph.D. Makbule Kandakoglu Ph.D. Ahmet Kandakoglu Postdoctoral research Abdallah Naili Master's degree All supervisions (10)