Jonathan Jalbert
Member, GERAD

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal
Other titles and affiliations
I have been Assistant Professor for three years in the Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal. In 2008, I completed a bachelor’s degree in Physics Engineering at Polytechnique and a Master’s degree in Water Sciences in 2010 at the Eau, Terre et Environnement Center of INRS. Subsequently, I completed a doctorate in cotutelle in mathematics at Université Laval and in Science de la Terre de l’Univers et de l’Environnement at Université Grenoble-Alpes under the supervision of Anne-Catherine Favre, Claude Bélisle and Jean-François Angers. I then completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill University under the supervision of Christian Genest and Johanna Nešlehová.
My research interests are based on the methodological developments of the theory of extreme values applied to environmental problems. The theory of extreme values is a branch of statistics that concerns rare values. It is particularly useful in engineering, for the sizing of infrastructure, in finance, for the selection of assets of a portfolio and in insurance, for the pricing and the solvency capital of a product. During the last three years, we have developed a methodology based on the theory of extreme values to obtain Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves of precipitation at any location in Canada. The use of IDF curves for sizing infrastructure exposed to precipitation, such as sewers and dikes, is required by law. Previously, IDF curves were only available at meteorological stations and sometimes several tens of kilometres separate the nearest station from the site of interest. With our approach, extreme precipitation information is available at any point. We are now in talks with the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques concerning the integration of these new IDF curves into the Quebec Construction Code. Also, in 2017, in collaboration with Desjardins assurances générales, we developed the first Canadian coastal flood insurance product for Eastern Canada.
My research is based on concrete problems related to environmental extremes. Now part of GERAD, I want to continue in the same vein in collaboration with members of the group. Collaboration with members specializing in optimization, numerical algebra and computer science could prove particularly fruitful.
Member of GERAD since September 2019
Research Axes
Research Applications
Local search methods start from a feasible solution and improve it by successive minor modifications until a solution that cannot be further improved is enco...
BibTeX referenceNews
Jonathan Jalbert (GERAD and Polytechnique Montréal), Christian Genest (McGill University), and Luc Perreault (Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec) are the recipients of the 2024 Lise Manchester Award.
Title: Estimation statistique de la précipitation maximale probable à l’aide de la loi de Pearson de type I
Title: Estimation du pronostic de survie en fonction des caractéristiques du greffon et du receveur d’une transplantation rénale
Prizes and awards
Lise Manchester Award
AME20's Best Paper Award for 2023
"Going the Distance: Gender Differences in Travel in Montréal, Canada", M.L. Guerrero Balarezo, G. Boisjoly, M. Trépanier, J. JalbertWiley-TIES Award for Best Environmental Science Paper of 2020
"Predicting extreme surges from sparse data using a copula‐based hierarchical Bayesian spatial model"Editorial Boards & Comittees
- Associate Editor, The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 2022-...