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Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar

Nonlinear Strategies in Symmetrical Two-person Scalar LQ


Jan 30, 2025   11:00 AM — 12:00 PM

Pierre Bernhard Centre INRIA, Université Côte d'Azur, France

Pierre Bernhard

Presentation on YouTube

Differential Games Abstract Since the often quoted article Tsutsui and Mino 1990, there has been some confusion over what this article proves. Rowat, 2007, uses the same method plus Dockner et al 2000 on another example. We explain that what is proved by Tsutsui and Mino is not what they claim, and what is proved by Rowat is misnamed as a perfect equilibrium. However, Rowat's example can easily be saved as noted by several authors. Using a more general model, we discuss which parameter values yield his results and we give an explicit and simpler derivation concerning his original piecewise linear strategies.

Georges Zaccour organizer


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Montréal Québec

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Research Axis

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