Multiplex networks: stability and opinion dynamics
Elena Parilina – Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Interactions among agents or players in the society are usually performed in several layers, therefore, regular one-layer networks cannot properly describe the processes that can be observed in real-world networks. We examine the stability of multiplex networks when players interact in different layers and can reduce their costs of communication by creating connections with the same players in many layers. Then we examine how opinions are distributed in two-layer networks. We propose a general concealed voter model (GCVM), in which individuals interact in two layers and can exchange their opinions in the internal layer. By exchanging opinions in the internal layer, we mean that individuals share their real or internal opinions with their close friends. The process of opinion formation in GCVM is presented in the paper. We make a series of numerical simulations of GCVM with different network structures (both external and internal) and get some counterintuitive conclusions.
(Joint work with Ziyu Ma and Chi Zhao)

Montréal Québec