LaTeX course: an introduction
The workshop will be held in person. The course will be given in French, but explanations may be given in English.
The purpose of this workshop is to introduce students to the use of LaTeX for writing documents (homework, internship report, letter, article, thesis, resume, ...). LaTeX can be scary for beginners, but its advantages and capabilities far outweigh the time spent learning it. By the end of this workshop, students will be able to start their first document, know the possibilities offered by LaTeX, discern the best practices, and know where and how to look for answers to their questions.
This introductory workshop goes through the vocabulary, best practices, operations and resources related to this software system for document preparation. We will cover the basic commands of a document and then get to writing maths, making lists, calling cross-references, inserting images and tables. The workshop requires no prerequisites, and the presentation will be made using Overleaf, a user-friendly, collaborative online LaTeX editor.
To register, simply fill out this short form:

André-Aisenstadt Building
Université de Montréal Campus
Montréal QC H3T 1J4
Associated organization (8 MB)