
Séance MB3 - Calcul polyhedral / Polyhedral Computation

Jour lundi, le 7 mai 2007
Salle Gérard Parizeau
Président David Avis


Hyperplane Arrangements with Large Average Diameter
  Feng Xie, McMaster University, Computing and Software, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Antoine Deza, McMaster University, Computing and Software, 1280 Main West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4K1

Let A(n,d) denote the largest possible average diameter of a bounded cell of a simple arrangement defined by n hyperplanes in dimension d. We have A(n,2) less or equal than 2n/(n-1) in the plane, and A(n,3) less or equal than (3n+1)/(n-1) in dimension 3. In general, the average diameter of a bounded cell of a simple arrangement is conjectured to be less than the dimension; that is, A(n,d) less or equal than d. We propose a hyperplane arrangement with (n-d choose d) cubical cells for n>2d-1. It implies that the dimension d is an asymptotic lower bound for A(n,d) for fixed d. In particular, we propose line and plane arrangements with large average diameter yielding that A(n,2) is greater or equal than 2-(n+1)/(n-1)(n-2) and A(n,3) is greater or equal than 3(n-3)/(n-1)+3(n-4)/(n-1)(n-2)(n-3).

Open Pit Mine Optimization and the Gap Problem
  Conor Meagher, McGill University, Computer Science, 3480 University Street, McConnell Engineering Building, Room 318, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2A7
David Avis, McGill University, Computer Science, 3480 University St., Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3A 2A7

Open pit optimization typically involves two phases: designing the ultimate pit, then breaking up the ultimate pit into smaller more manageable pieces known as pushbacks. Existing methods for designing pushbacks suffer from large size differences between pushbacks. We discuss complexity results related to the pushback design problem.

A Branch and Cut Algorithm for the Halfspace Depth Problem
  Dan Chen, University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Computer Science
David Bremner, University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Computer Science

The concept of data depth in non-parametric multivariate descriptive statistics is the generalization of the univariate rank method to multivariate data. Halfspace depth is a measure of data depth. Given a set S of points and a point p, the halfspace depth (or rank) k of p is defined as the minimum number of points of S contained in any closed halfspace with p on its boundary. Computing halfspace depth is NP-hard, and it is equivalent to the Maximum Feasible Subsystem problem. In this thesis a mixed integer program is formulated with the big-M method for the halfspace depth problem. We suggest a branch and cut algorithm. In this algorithm, Chinneck's heuristic algorithm is used to find an upper bound and a related technique based on sensitivity analysis is used for branching. Irreducible Infeasible Subsystem (IIS) hitting set cuts are applied. We also suggest a binary search algorithm which may be more stable numerically. The algorithms are implemented with the BCP framework from the COIN-OR project.
